what its like to be a biology major in college… Updated for 2024

Updated: April 4, 2024

this is a pointless video, hope you enjoy (; xoxo, Sami ~~~~~~~~~~ ♫ Naikee – Ember Heart https://soundcloud.com/naikee112/ember-heart-original-mix …


34 Comments on “what its like to be a biology major in college… Updated for 2024”

  1. Lol you really made me feel better and not alone. Struggling with biology major right now but in final year. How old are u in the states when u graduate?

  2. I’m also majoring in biology and I find it to be a breeze- if you’re in the comments, don’t let this discourage you.

  3. I actually really enjoy biology. It's why I have an 86 in lab. However…lecture is a stress inducing thought. Never have I been more grateful that homework exists because it gives people a leg to stand on, aswell as to periodically check how you're doing. In my class if you have a bad start and are 60 points behind…you will ALWAYS be 60 points behind no matter how well you perform the who semester

  4. Hi I'm a first year student in Ha Noi Science of University, my major is Biology. Same like u. I think that but in different country (in Viet Nam). I feel when i learn about my major even thought I really like it, i learnt it really hard but, my study is not really good. Do you have any study tips to be better !? Nice to meet your channel and hope you reply with my comment ❤️🙆

  5. Anyone go to school as a Bio major part time and then work part time? How is that experience? I 'm very determined to go to school next year for Bio

  6. I am from India I want to choose something related to biology .. trying to get into University for undergraduate basically I want to work in labs after my undergrad … Anyone can help !! please

  7. Heyyy can someone help me pleeeeease 😭😭
    It’s my first semester in uni as a pre med in biology and I didn’t yet apply to classes cause I don’t know what I have to exactly take in the first semester!!!
    Any advices on what to take please ???

  8. dead ass I took 5 classes and 4 labs and had 12 fucking midterms over 6 weeks on top of assignments and quizzes and lab reports and was working 20 hours part time as a result I failed 2 classes and then dropped 2 at the end of the semester to avoid having more Ds and Cs (in science anything less than a C is a fail at my uni) on my transcript and I got 1 A lmao dont be stupid and be realistic with yourself that semester taught me to just take 3 classes and not bother rushing my degree

  9. If you sleep more (stop drinking caffeine or at least reduce your intake) and do less "fun activities"/extracurricular activities you will feel normal. You're doing a lot of harmful things to your body, these things that can easily be prevented. Long story short, be an adult in college and you will be successful. If you continue acting like a kid you will fail or struggle.

  10. This is my first year in college and I'm a biology major who's good at taking a lot of work but I don't know how to study very well and I try my best in math but since I focus my mind a lot in my bio and lab classes i forget what I'm trying to understand in math plus my college goes a little faster than others since i take the semester in a quarter of the time so a lot is put on me in 3 months

    But luckily I passed my biology class but not with the grade I wanted since I passed it with a C (correction i think its supposed to be a C because it's an F but I know my grade wasn't that and i talke to my professor and he supposedly said I was right but I haven't seen a change so…😣😧)
    I passed English with D and Spanish with an A but i couldn't pass math amd it frustrates the hell out of me because everybody in my class passed and I didn't and it makes me feel so incompetent

  11. Hey there. I got out of the hospital 1 week ago from overdosing on alcohol. I've been clean 10 days but I had to drop my trig course for a mental break. It takes strength to know when you need a break. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently.

  12. brutal. good job, all that’s stressful asf. after graduating high school and working for some years i’m getting closer to continuing my studies in college. science has always been interesting to me, i took adv bio and marine science. kind of intimidated by the math part. definitely will be looking for more related videos & on the lookout for books while thrifting. 📚👀🧠 thanks for sharing!

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