Public Health Expert: Keep Wearing A Face Mask | The 11th Hour | MSNBC Updated for 2024

Updated: March 30, 2024

UCLA’s Dr. Anne Rimoin joins to discuss the importance wearing face masks will continue to have in fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Aired on 05/22/2020.


46 Comments on “Public Health Expert: Keep Wearing A Face Mask | The 11th Hour | MSNBC Updated for 2024”

  1. Is this the same MSNBC who has repeatedly been caught not wearing masks/ripping them off when the cameras are no longer on? You’re an absolute joke, and now I can see why you’re called the enemy of the people.

  2. Masks Are of Limited Benefit

    The truth is you aren’t irrational or obdurate if you are skeptical about masks. The “experts” have admitted that masks’ efficacy is usually negligible. Dr. Anthony Fauci himself, in a “60 Minutes” interview early in this pandemic, dismissed masks as essentially useless.


    Fauci may have changed his tune, but plenty of sensible doctors are still speaking up. Last week, a doctor in the Wall Street Journal pointed out that cloth masks—the type worn by the overwhelming majority of the population—are not very effective, echoing Fauci’s earlier admission. The WSJ author noted that even the N95 masks fall short: “They’re considered effective at blocking coronavirus particles only when they’re form fitted and tested to make sure there isn’t any leakage.”


  3. Welcome to coronavirus hysteria. It is a military style conditioning, a drill. It is a psyop. It is a test of people's reaction and intelligence (gullibility)

    They keep repeating the lies and feeding people nonsensical stories. Stay-at-home, stay alert, keep 6 feet apart. Watch out, the virus is a long-distance jumper. You can see one other family member outside your household. No sitting on park benchs. No sunbathing. Now you can sunbathe, wear gloves and look like a prat for no good reason and wear a dirty rag around your face. This is social conditioning to brainwash people with newspeak.

    According to the CDC website, in 2017 to 2018 there were 61,000 deaths in America due to influenza and 45 million Americans contracted influenza. 

    Where was the mass hysteria then? Did the ignorant sheep practice social distancing then? Was everyone so concerned of others and did everyone wear their masks then?  Was everyone afraid of germs then? A bunch of hypocrites.

    The party has just started.

    Now, roll up your sleeves. It's almost time for the grand finale.

  4. According to the World Health Organization, "If you do not have any respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, or runny nose, you do not need to wear a medical mask. When used alone, masks can give you a false feeling of protection and can even be a source of infection when not used correctly."

  5. No thanks I'm not wearing those ridiculous masks. I'm not assuming the whole world has asymptomatic covid forever. I'm not afraid. I don't feel protected by your magic dust mask or tshirt on your face. Having cutesy decorations on your mask doesnt make you look any less ridiculous.

  6. here in thailand…wearing could be, at least, a pre-emptive measure…against any sick people without mask,
    or any bad bugs in public

  7. Msnbc “expert”? Ha. Oxymoron.
    “Keep your droplets to yourself?”
    “Assume you’re infected?”
    The stupidity and lack of science in this idiocy is quite overwhelming.

  8. I always wear a face mask when I am in public places. Yesterday while I was in line at Kroger's , an unmasked middle-aged white man looked at me and said "Well, I guess you don't mind the government stomping all over your constitutional rights."

  9. Wearin them mask makes me look like less of a man in my trailer park. I ain't want none of them book thinkers to say nutin to me cuz I know what I know and that's all I needs to know. I ain't wash my hands after shittin cuz I dont need no body to tell me what to do.

  10. I caved. I stated that I was not going to wear a mask but I am being forced to do so. I made my own. In making it, however, I found that if I used a double layer, of a very light material, I have a very hard time breathing. You end up breathing in your own air which will contain less and less oxygen and doing so can cause death.

  11. Making a fuss about masks is just an attempted distract-and-divide by governors such as Cuomo and Murphy from the thousands of nursing home deaths in their states resulting from their policies.  

    For every "study" concluding masks are effective, another "study" can be found concluding the opposite.  Don't be hoodwinked by politicians.

  12. We're encouraged to see the culture of mask wearing move beyond politics, and into the science of health.  As a cautionary note the masks depicted in this video are dangerous for two reasons; 1) They become contaminated quickly and 2) they restrict air flow, which can lead to an heart attack.  Please be advised breathing is critical for life, and proper fitting masks are the only livable protection.  Additionally filtered air allows your lungs to natural heal themselves and improve the immune system hence quality of life.

  13. I've been mocked to my face twice for wearing a mask and gloves. My husband died of cardiopulmonary failure due to acute respiratory distress prior symptoms in order of appearance mental confusion, stroke / seizure like event, in and out of lucidity, cough fever headache by day2. "Somewhat like pneumonia" according to dr after imaging. Decline of oxygen saturation (was 95 at admission),on oxygen by day 2 crashed approximately 3:15 AM day 5.
    #UNTESTED #UNCOUNTED March 8th 2020.
    I have elderly parents with heart issues and an 18 yr old son who has a heart defect. I will keep wearing my mask because I want to keep my son and parents safe and I have a brain and I'd like to keep it healthy. Willful ignorance seems as contagious as Coronavirus, if not more so.

  14. Look at Asian countries, they wear mask before covit19 due to pollution. After covid19 occur, countries mandate wearing mask which result in death in 100s not 90,000+ in the US. Why do you do not want to wear mask? Is it because of political statement? I just think during this pandemic, i would believe in Doctor suggestion.
    I don't want what YOU got and I am sure YOU don't want what i might have.

  15. I love how everyone feels like an expert now since the news decided to CHANGE THEIR MIND and start recommending masks for all. Repeating pseudo science until you're blue in the face doesn't make it so. The World Health Organization STILL recommends that only sick people and those caring for the sick should wear masks. They explicitly state that others wearing a mask is dangerous! Then the news tells us to listen to them lol.

  16. It’s like a gun, you should wear one even if you think you don’t need it 🤷‍♂️ but I’m still looking for the right place to post the phrase “ their body their choice” can I apply that here as well ? Or am I in the wrong spot

  17. Why did CNN Collins remove her mask after the president left.. I guess it's not important has she's pretending to be..😁

  18. The main source of the corona virus’s spread, the CDC said, is through respiratory droplets from an infected person who coughs sneezes or talks in close proximity to someone else.

    “COVID-19 spreads mainly through close contact from person to person," Haynes said. "While it may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose or possibly their eyes, this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads." CDC spokesman Benjamin Haynes

    During physical exercise the amount of exhaled water vapor is linear, but not proportional to heart rate. And so at the heart rate of 140 bpm amount of exhaled water vapor is approximately four times higher than during the rest and equals about 60-70 ml/h.

    It’s not on the surface; it’s in the exhaled water vapor that people are breathing out that has the virus.

  19. Face masks are pointless. You know how small a virus is?
    WuFlu is a scamDemic.
    86% of people never knew they had it and 99.5% of people survive it just fine.

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