Legendary virus hunter speaks out after getting infected Updated for 2024

Updated: May 14, 2024

Legendary virus hunter Peter Piot developed coronavirus symptoms in March and is still experiencing the aftereffects. He speaks with Christiane Amanpour …


20 Comments on “Legendary virus hunter speaks out after getting infected Updated for 2024”

  1. Wow he didn't get vaccinated that's incredible so we don't need no vaccination shot just let it run out like the flu and he's old he don't look like he's in good shape and he survived

  2. I will NOT take any vaccine. They do not protect anyone. I want to discover if I've already had this, as I was truly sick December – February, cough, mucus – drowning in it, headache, exhaustion, diarrhea, pain in muscles. waiting for the test to arrive at my surgery.

  3. This pandemic is causing mass starvation worldwide because no one can work at ANYTHING for 3 months so they’re starving! But we could eliminate money since it’s mostly just numbers in computers…so then food and everything would be free! No one would starve! Millions of Americans are starving at home too!

  4. I took chloroquin at the moment that I had the fever. In 3 days I was like new. The treatment after is so important to eliminate all rests of this virus out of your body. Now I take, like you do too after malaria, still 5 weeks 1 tablet per week.
    In total I do 8 weeks after treatment. First 3 weeks 3 tablets per week and now the last 5 weeks. I can already do 5 hours physically work. I am better now than I was two years after the flu of 2018.
    Thanks to chlordioxid (MMS from Jim Humble) and chloroquin 600 mg. ❤❤❤

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this, I came down with it on the 14th March I'm a 60 year old woman living in the UK, theres not anyone to talk to about my symptoms, I feel so alone.

  6. The cult of tRump should infect themselves, that’s about 30% of murica,. But sign a NDA, a contract with tarump. No health care for cultists, stay home and tough it out. Make America infected again maga kuntry, save your president.

  7. Wow just like Contagion. The Mexicans and Loacians that run Hollywood sure are good at predicting what's gonna happen. Oy veh! Cough, dry cough sorry Ole!

  8. There has been at least 50 known corona viruses circling the globe. To think that no man in history had ever been bit by a bat and got infected by a viral agent, corona virus, is ridiculous. They used this fake pandemic to promote social revolution among authoritarian states, where China took over the World Trade Policy , and promoted Terror to weaponize the common cold to change the way the world works, and prepare for China to conquest the Global Governance. The governor of New York put sick and dying patients in the nursing homes to infect all the elderly residents and sexed up the death rate to promote a world wide but faked Pandemic. They weaponized the common cold. The death rate is a product of ineffective means to test or know why anyone died, except to count as a social policy all the sick , old and those of complications , near death in Hospice Care, to die to create the aura that American had to be locked down . Simply they murdered elderly residents in nursing homes to lump all together the usual count of 60,000 Americans who die every year from the common cold, with all known cause of death among them, to create a list of the dead, who actually died of poor health and complications. Among the normal healthy people, the death rate is less then one tenth of one percent, no more or less than the common cold flu brings every year.
    The surreal scenes in Wuhan , China , seem to replicate scenes from a Stanley Kubrick script for a horror movie , it was manufactured in all it's gory scenes exported around the world to kick off the Pandemic, as something you could believe. If there were no vaccines for the seasonal flu, then hundreds of thousands of Americans would die every year from the Flu season, but because of vaccines , only 60 thousand Americans died last year, showing that there is no change in the statistics of how people die of complications and old age, but that this year, they lumped all together all known cases of death based on a viral infection , without any scientific proof, because no such efficient test of the virus existed, the Social Policy was to count all PRESUMED DEATHS as deaths in fact from this Pandemic, a complex but understandable LIE.

  9. Virus Mania
    -To accept this, the existence of these so-called "killer viruses" must first be proven.
    And this is where the trouble begins. Consequential, scientifically-sound evidence
    has never been provided, even though it's as easy as taking a sample of patient blood
    and isolating one of these viruses, in a purified form with its complete genetic
    material (genome) and virus shell, directly from it, and then imaging it with an
    electron microscope. But these critical initial steps have never been done with HSNl
    (avian flu),94 the so-called hepatitis C virus,95 HIV,96 97 and numerous other particles
    that are officially called viruses and depicted as attack-crazy beasts.
    At this point, we encourage our readers to verify dominant virus theories
    independently-as many people have done, among them Nobel laureates, top
    microbiologists and researchers from other fields, serious journalists and Jay people
    alike. We've asked for evidence from important institutions like World Health
    Organization (WHO), the American Centers for Disease Control (CDC), or its
    German counterpart, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin. In the summer of
    2005, for example, we contacted the RKI and requested the following
    information:98 –
    1. Please name the studies that indisputably show that the SARS, hepatitis C, Ebola,
    smallpox and polio viruses and the BSE causative agent have been proven to exist
    (complete purification, isolation and definition of biochemical properties plus
    electron micrographs).
    2. Please name studies that indisputably show that the viruses named above cause
    disease (and also that other factors like malnutrition, toxins, etc. do not at least
    co-determine the course of disease).
    3. Please name at least two studies that indisputably show that vaccinations are
    effective and active.
    Unfortunately, to date we have not (despite repeated questioning) yet had a
    single study named to us. –https://www.5gexposed.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Virus-Mania55tt66.pdf

  10. The next conspiracy soon to come is when the American Government starts touting a Vaccine for COVID-19 that hasn't been proven completely safe for everyone.

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