Latin America emerges as COVID-19 hotspot Updated for 2024

Updated: May 3, 2024

Both Brazil and Mexico are now reporting their highest number of cases to date.


38 Comments on “Latin America emerges as COVID-19 hotspot Updated for 2024”

  1. He brags about shutting off travel to China but yet he leaves the back door open for Brazil
    And that’s because his buddy is president and it would cripple him if they shut the door
    But the door needs to shut now

  2. Damn people stop blaming everyone. People always looking for someone to blame like you aren’t capable of staying home yourself…

  3. Does anyone here have any idea if it was only Pres. Trump that said Chloroquine will help against Covid-19 virus or is there a scientific basis on this?

  4. I'm in Brazil now !
    This is not TRUE !!!!!!!!!!
    Brazilian president is the best this country ever had !
    People need to to pay their bills !
    This is a WORLDWIDE HOAX !👊
    As Trump's said !!!!!!! hydroxychloroquine is the right solution !
    Wake up world !!!!!!
    The truth is out there !

  5. Question.i may be wrong but wouldn't know unless asked…..Mexico is cremating their dead.but once the spores release from the dead back into the air would not affect more people.just asking…….

  6. Brazil has the maniac Bolsanaro as President thanks to American meddling. The CIA orchestrated a disinformation campaign in Brazil, deposing Dilma Rousseff and bringing in a right wing government that would allow American corporations to buy up Brazil. This is the Monroe Doctrine and over hundred years of destabilization American foreign policy you're watching.

  7. Brazilian president is a degenerate, he caused his country to suffer way more than it would have. I knew this would happen from the comments he made earlier this year.

  8. i am in brazil, these numbers are including all the dead in the nation including terminal cancer, car accidents and all the deaths in the country. They also bury coffins with sandbags inside, in fact they are dying much less now than before, people are at home and there are not so many accidents on the roads. covid 19 is just a plan of the new world order to make people afraid.

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