How does your immune system work? – Emma Bryce Updated for 2024

Updated: May 7, 2024

Explore how your immune system’s vast network of cells, tissues, and organs coordinate your body’s defenses against bacteria, viruses and toxins.


50 Comments on “How does your immune system work? – Emma Bryce Updated for 2024”

  1. Learned most of this stuff from the anime cells at work, if you are looking for an eduactional anime I highly recommend: Dr. stone and cells at work.

  2. The immune system is awesome,I mean do you know an organism that can create an attack plan when a soldier randomly eats some foreign consumable? Didn’t think so!

  3. Modern medicine is oriented toward fighting symptoms, which is essentially fighting against our body's defense response. Got a fever? Bring that thing down with medication!
    And all this complexity? Let's "help it out" with vaccines… our immune system needs our intervention

  4. Is your immune system strong if your young because I'm 19 and my mom thinks my immune system is strong because I'm young do you think she's right

  5. Medicinale science are a big religion and we must trust them? Stop killing fetuses. MRC-5, WI-38 cels are stolen from fetuses who were killed.

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