Can I Boost my Immunity Against COVID-19? Updated for 2024

Updated: May 10, 2024

Dr. Christy presents several ways to possibly boost your immune system and lower your risk for infection.


44 Comments on “Can I Boost my Immunity Against COVID-19? Updated for 2024”

  1. How many corona viruses moles gives one kilogram of weight ?

    Is tasla coil touching will destroy viruses ??
    How i talking with you

    One meter cube tightly packed with corona viruses weight how much

    General density of corona viruses with air
    So what is Q=m s delta t
    How these two equation related with corona viruses
    How much energy equivalent to one corona viruse
    According to Einstein equation of mass energy
    E=mc square

    Mindfulness is my hobby

  2. Excellent doctor I was keeping looking for this topic and I found few here too, thanks doctor,I’m doctor LN from 🇮🇳 india

  3. To me you appear to be a wonderful person and also a beautiful woman, if I may say so. Regarding the content of what you are saying about how to live in the face of the Corona-crisis, I am also surprised by the low daily dosis of Vitamin D you are advocating. I am older than 65 and also have a preexisting condition that puts me at risk, and all advice I can find for people like me is to take at least a couple of 1000 I.E., even up to of 10,000 I.E. of Vitamin D per day to raise the blood level of this vitamin to norrmal, because at my age, about 3/4 of people have – to my information – a Vitamin D deficiency. Maybe you could at least differenciate a little more as you e.g. did in the case of the pulse oximeter.
    All the other recommendations in your excellent video I can wholeheartedly embrace and am actually practicing all of them – more or less regularly.


  5. If you wear a mask you’re breathing in your CO2 that you Exhale which lowers your immune system that’s why I always said you don’t need to wear a mask and my other point is if masks work then why are we social distancing and if they don’t work why we wearing them at all

  6. Explain this, why are Covid 19 survivors redeveloping Covid-19? Bottom line. Eat well sleep well and get exercise. Mask and distance. I respect you as a doctor but the stories I’m hearing from nurses and my pulmonary specialist sister are scary.

  7. I live in Rhode Island, it is a police ste. There is nothing I can do to protect myself from false arrests or getting diseases from filthy pigs. All I can do is avoid my loved ones and hope I am alive to fight the revolution when it starts. The state of our country is far more devestating than this virus.

    What was that nce healthcare in this place is not a business and it is cannibalistic, I can not, with good conscience, subscribe to that kind of treatment.

    You seem to be doing the right thing but the medical industry is treating us like products, not people. I can not pay to do that.

  8. Yeah, prayer definitely helps. That's why we always send "thoughts and prayers" to the ones who died in tragic events like school shootings, floods or wildfires or war, by drinking toxic tap water,.or simply because they can't afford healthcare, instead of doing something about it.

  9. I have been taking 2000 IU and sometimes 5000 IU of D# for years. No side effects. Never had the flu. Never had a flu shot. Im 60 years old.

  10. Best way to boost your ummine system is by taking garlic,ginger, canyeene pepper, turmeric, and honey you take it in the morning it will definitely give you energy , by taking natural substances it better then taking vitamins or pills that my opinion garlic and ginger are great health benifit plus with the canyeene pepper turmeric and honey it make even better supplements..

  11. I got an idea from president Trump's remarks, if you lightly spray or mist your body with isopropyl alcohol, the alcohol will kill the virus by the time the alcohol evaporates, then your free to enter a hospital buildings, schools, or food establishement.

  12. Here's my prediction … When the dust settles …. it will be a Natural substance that CURES covid … n0ot a drug …. Woops, no profit ….You want a cancrer cure Go to Mexico …. (80%)

  13. Yes, this video caught my interest because I am an African American. I was wondering if Vitamine D deficiency would put us more at risk and if we can make sure we are not deficient so our immunity is at its best. Thank you for also sharing about the zin. As well. I will share this with my social network. Thank you for being thorough and warning is about drawbacks as well. Yes, excercises, spirituality, and stress reducing activities are also essential to our well being. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us.

  14. This is a suggestion from a Sri Lankan about sleeping disorders. I drink a cup of guava leaf tea which helps solve my sleeping problem. I don't drink more than that because I have heard it lowers blood sugar & cholesterol.If you try this please share your experience with us.Whenever I have viral infections I do some work for 1 hour in morning sunshine.It works for me.
    I take one 500 mg vitamin C tablet a day also. Deep breathing 25 times, two times a day. Finally meditation, I want to teach my method of meditation to someone.

  15. The average "healthy" American requires way more than 400 IU of D, unless they get at least 20 minutes a day of full body exposure to midday sun with NO sunscreen. If instead you do take 2000 or more IU of D (as you probably should) It's wise to take Vitamin K2 to make sure it gets where it needs to.

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