Are natural remedies a suitable alternative for science-based medicine? Updated for 2024

Updated: April 6, 2024

The Australia government is set to remove private health insurance rebates from a number of natural therapies – including homeopathy, herbalism and yoga.


11 Comments on “Are natural remedies a suitable alternative for science-based medicine? Updated for 2024”

  1. This movie sums up Australian's small minded stay out our country mentality. We better then you. Our degrees are better than yours. Shove it up your a s s you small minded ozzie pricks.

  2. "Jerry (the homeopath store owner) wants the government and groups like friends of science and medicine to keep an open mind"

    I agree, I think I speak for everyone when I say I trust a homeopath business owner over the government with all their 'doctors' and 'research' and 'medical journals'. I'll keep my acupuncture, herbs and trusted Chinese medicine thank you. For example, I had a severe headache last week and it was cleared instantly by some crushed tiger penis and a little crystal reiki energy. I also had an auntie that used psychic healing to fix her heart condition instead of going to the hospital, and just before she died at the old age of 42 she said she'd never felt better. And just last year my neighbour used homeopathy to beat cancer by drowning instead.

    Need I say anymore?

  3. I am hesitant to comment, because some in her space have a habit of taking legal action. What follows is my personal, heartfelt view, and that of no one else, based on actual lived experience. To me, she is an anti-vaxer, and thus literally lethal. To me, she has no place profiting, as is obvious from her palatial property and snappy style, from what I see as dangerous bunk. Take it from someone who was very nearly not a someone at all due to vaccine preventable whooping cough. Take it from someone with a deaf mother who most likely would not be deaf in a vaccine protected world. Take it from a young woman I know blinded by preventable chicken pox caught in the womb when her mother was infected by a child whose stupid parent thought it was 'a mild thing'. Anecdotal, but also based by evidence. Big AltMed has no place getting any government support at all in my honestly held opinion.

  4. Ok instead of not eating fruit, actual advice for fixing/slowing cancer is vegetarianism. Think about it, animals get cancer too, and when you eat any processed meat (like hotdogs, sausage, chicken nuggets, etc.) animals that had cancer are going to be in there, which means you’re eating ground up cancer.

  5. Doesn't want to say what the illness is = knows that her reasons for ignoring knowledgeable science-based medicine are hot steaming bullshit and yet putting her life into the hands of fake medicine (the pure existence of which is to exploit her paranoia) gives her the illusion of control and autonomy

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