Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Should you take Vitamin D and Vitamin C? Updated for 2024

Updated: May 3, 2024

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Should you take Vitamin D and Vitamin C? #coronavirus #covid19 #covid_19 This is the Vitamin D that I take: …


34 Comments on “Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Should you take Vitamin D and Vitamin C? Updated for 2024”

  1. Doctor Mike Hansen
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  2. So informative! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and research. I'm telling all my friends to subscribe to your channel!
    One thing though: has anyone ever told you that you look like Clark Kent in the Superman movie?
    No, really. Sometimes, when I hear you speak, I wonder if you have a giant 'S' on your T-shirt😋👍😀
    BTW, your the BEST🙌

  3. Thank you Dr .

    My last visit I was deficienct .
    I'm at this time trying to supplement myself .
    Who can go for blood tests over and over and over ?
    $$$ 🤷

  4. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    #1: Viruses are not invaders. They come from within our cells. From the RNA and DNA. They are the adaptive genius of the body.

    #2: Symptoms are the body's attempt TO RID or RECYCLE endogenous and exogenous toxins and dysfunctional cellular debris.

    Therefore…. 'SYMPTOMS' (ie temporary fevers, coughs, headaches, skin rashes, chills, weakness, even cytokine storms) are the SOLUTION to a problem in the body.

    This genetic cellular genius is how we've adapted to the changing environments and survived.

  5. i take 5-6 drops in boiling water of eucalyptus oil thinking that if i got it during the day at night 8 hours later i can neutralixe covid 19 ,you let all air out of lungs breathe through nose slowly visualizing the steam to bottom of the lungs literature says its a anti viral i dont kinow if it works but its what eucalyptus should be doing

  6. Dr Hansen,
    Why do most MDs fall so short when it comes to vitamins??

    Go get tested to see if you’re low? I realize that in ICU you don’t test D levels. Clinically I can count on one hand the number of patients that weren’t low. Plus, you will be dead by the time you get an appointment with a PCP these days. Take Vitamin D, period. It actually has hundreds of functions in the body, from calcium to hormones, hair to acne. And more importantly it’s an antioxidant, which could be very beneficial if oxidative stress is a component of this infection.

    Lastly, are RDAs even still a thing? I thought we realized a long time ago that those numbers equated to just enough to not get disease. They have nothing to do with optimal. For example, an elderly patient with senile purpura can reverse/control the problem with about 3,000 mg of C a day. 300mg won’t do a thing.

    When it comes to supplements we have to remember that absorption is key. Cheap supplements in the wrong forms will not absorb well. That’s why most medical studies on vitamins are set up for failure from the start. Researchers go to the local Wally World to get whatever generic tablet vitamin they can find (probably the cheapest one). Then when the study fails to show benefits they deem that vitamin a failure and tell everyone it doesn’t work.

  7. If youre experiencing COVID-19 symptoms; it would be very beneficial to immediately see your doctor and request for a High-dose Vitamin C intravenous Infusion.

    Vitamin C is not just antioxidant; its also antitoxin and antibacterial. It rids your body from toxins to help prevent spreading of bacterial and viral infections. Vitamin C helps boost and strengthen our immune system.

    Linus Pauling
    Dr. Andrew W. Saul

    Always remember that the way for a "Cure" is "immediate prevention".

    Facts & Truth about the importance of Vitamin C:

    "Doctors and Pharmaceutical Companies discredit the power of Vitamin C because they will make no money from it."

    Vitamin C can and has been shown to cure cancer, AIDS, flu, pneumonia, etc. (and the list goes on…)

    Anybody hear about the New Zealand farmer that was on deaths door? Luckily one of his sons got him to try Vitamin C I.V. and now hes alive and kicking, fit as a fiddle and the rest is history… (Google it, so you'll see proof)

  8. Careful doc…YouTube boss said she'll take down any video that suggests vitamins might be helpful with the fight against SARS covid 2. Keep up the great work!

  9. To everyone who is in the PROCESS of this pandemic, DO NOT GO to the HOSPITAL, those who walk in come out in a drawer and cremate them for not telling the TRUTH.
    They are HEALED by taking PARACETAMOL to eliminate fever and taking 325 MG ASPIRIN to avoid blood clotting, making INHALATIONS of EUCALYPTUS. Ivermentina has also been approved in the USA, and works within 48 hours, cleaning the cells …
    It is NOT necessary ANY VACCINES and less, the RESPIRATORS or FANS that DESTROY the lungs !!!

  10. I stopped your video when you drank milk, if you want vitamin D take vitamin supplement in the quantity your body needs it, not milk that harms your health.
    Milk is not necessary and we are the only adult mammals that drinks useless milk.
    Skim milk is inflammatory, it has casein that harms your gut lining and is demonstrated that populations that drink milk have higher risk of hip fractures
    "The reason doctors are so dangerous is that they believe in what they are doing" Robert Mendelsohn (fits perfectly in your case)

    Do you want to avoid Covid or have less simptons? maintain social distance of 2 meters, avoid sugar in any form (use only Stevia) and avoid refined flours as much as you can (bread is not your friend), learn what to eat because if you are overweight is because you don't know how to eat correctly (cook healthy in your house, avoid cans and pre cooked stuff), do exercise (buy a TRX) to stay fit and doctors won't be happy because you won't need them.
    We are in a crazy world where the government open churchs instead of opening the gyms that are essential for our health…

  11. Dr. Mike, good morning to you. Your service to mankind is to be highly commended! I can vouch for Echinacea. If I ever wake at 3am feeling achy with flu-like symptoms are coming on I take approx. 700 mg. Echinacea Supreme, and go back to sleep. Without fail, I feel better in the morning.

  12. People who get a lot of sun exposure have vitamin D levels of over 100 ng/ml. I don't recommend targeting 20-30 ng/ml, but rather consider 30 ng/ml as the minimum level for protection against Covid-19. 2000 IU/day is an entirely reasonable dose.

  13. Thanks for the informations Doctor but in my own opinion I think healthy diet, plenty of water and exercise are the key to good health and that virtually ensure good immune system. The only time you need a particular vitamin only if you have deficiency which means you are not getting it from your daily food intake. You can get Vitamin C from citrus juice like lemons, oranges and grapefruits.

  14. I had low level of bit D. Been on this for years and not had a cold or been sick. Would definitely recommend it.

  15. Responding to Dr Mike's points about herbs, if you are interested in trying that route, find a trained and experienced herbalist to help you. I speak from experience, my wife is a Chinese doctor who has practiced herbal medicine for 30+ years.
    I help out in my wife's shop, and all I can say about people who seek us out having googled some wonder-herb is that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. It might be tempting to buy herbs etc cheaply on the internet, but what you are buying when you see a qualified herbalist is not the herbs, it is the knowledge, expertise, and experience to administer them effectively and safely.

  16. Take you multivitamins 2x a day one in the morning and one in the evening will boost your immune system. Also eat healthy, get 6-8 hours of sleep, and watch your stress levels and you help yourself in the long run. Also, if a product is not regulated by the FDA then it falls under the supplement category. Remember if it does diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent an illness then its medicine and if not a supplement.

  17. So there's no need for Vitamin C when ill. I'd like you to explain why I normally get loose stool at about 4 grams a day but during my covid-19 faction I was up around 12 to 14 grams a day and had no GI symptoms. I'm not a doctor but the bowel tolerance changing by several hundred percent seems to be an indication that vitamin C is being consumed in relation to being sick. By taking such large quantities of vitamin C and maintaining myself physically warm to the point of sweating for 3 days I recovered from the virus. Anecdotal I know but compelling videos from doctors in Shanghai I think it was extolling the virtues of high-dose IV vitamin C reducing ICU stays by over 90% definitely caught my interest. Unlike hydroxychloroquine high dose vitamin C for short periods of time is very very safe. So that's my take. I think you're wrong on the vitamin C I would like an explanation of why bowel tolerance changes by several hundred percent during illness if vitamin C is not playing a role.

  18. If all this is true then why is Brazil, or countries that have climates conducive to hindering the virus, having massive positive COVID-19 cases?

  19. Thanks Doc 50 years ago at Harvard University medical school doing summers in the Surgical labs I devoloped an Interest in Medical this kind of training was Hard to get ,I did just over year at Tufts university in the labs there only to develop an interest in Electronic equipment ,so that worked for me 9 years later I was on a Special Moon project , but Medical devices like Heart Monitors ,arthroscopic ,glaucoma devices and x Ray /Bone Density /Ultra Sound were more of an impact on me ,I used to test 3 to 4 Bone Density systems At a Time and pissed off the Chinese tour when I told them I am just Better than Everyone !! I did run Fluoroscan customer service and work board test and an Ultra sound foot test machine for Fun at Hologic before of course went to crap China!!! Sla'inte from IRISh Al !!! Retired and Bored and Subscribed ,too bad I did 5systems a week and all other Techs did one each ,we might have jobs in Boston ,Nah !!!

  20. Thanks so much for such detailed trustworthy, at the same time your humor what brings me back. You're awesome and unique!. Must add quite enjoyable to look at such a handsome narrator!

  21. I disagree very much with the doctor about taking vitamins and herbs not being effective. Perhaps if the vitamins were synthetic (and yes, a lot of the vitamins out there are just that: synthetic vitamins. Too much of those can produce undesirable results, even lead to cancer.) that might be the case. However, my family, friends, and myself have been taking plant-based vitamins and minerals and have seen very beneficial results. I highly recommend them!

  22. I had Corona. I was sick for 3 weeks. The first week was mild. The second aND a bit of the third was really bad with real trouble breathing at night and fever up to 105.8. The rest of the third was no fever, but so wiped out I stayed in bed with no appetite at all.
    The real kicker is that at the end of week 2 I tried a hot shower. Big mistake. I suddenly couldn't breathe, turned gray and hands and feet purple.
    Humidity was definitely not a friend.

  23. This video brought to you by the 100 IU per glass milk industry. Pasturized milk, full of dead bacteria and homoginized fats and lactose also more likely to cause a runny nose from the common allergic reaction. Get good sun exposure without sunscreens on at least half of your body. Or, take 2,000 to 4,000 IU supplements.

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