Woman who died after turmeric infusion may have reacted to castor oil Updated for 2024

Updated: April 18, 2024

The Food and Drug Administration is now blaming a type of castor oil mixed with a component of turmeric called curcumin. The FDA traced the product used on …


22 Comments on “Woman who died after turmeric infusion may have reacted to castor oil Updated for 2024”

  1. Bullshit. They‘re just trying to turn people away from using natural remedies by scaring us so that they can earn money selling their FDA approved suicide pills. Not buying that!

  2. Hey Polyethylene Glycol IS NOT a form of CASTOR OIL! Castor Oil is extracted from Castor Beans, it has nothing to do with Polyethylene Glycol which is in fact an additive called anti-freeze and used in vehicle radiators to inhibit freezing! Do your homework for crying out loud!

  3. umm It was my understanding that organic castor oil infused with herbs is for TOPICAL use only, Indeed castor oil healing benefits are many but most are topical use or ingested in MINUTE dosages. castor oil healing uses goes back centuries, but not for an IV solution as far as I could find. Reputable infusion clinics do not use castor oil in any of their IVs

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