What is a mineral? Updated for 2024

Updated: April 16, 2024

An introduction to minerals including what they are and what criteria must be met in order for a substance to be considered a mineral. Hey there! My name is …


22 Comments on “What is a mineral? Updated for 2024”

  1. Notes:
    The substance must exist as a solid under normal conditions on Earth.

    The substance must be naturally occurring on Earth, not man-made.

    The substance must be inorganic , not living or made from living things.

    The substance must have a fixed chemical formula, made of a specific combination of elements.

    The atoms making up the substance must be arranged in a specific structure.


    Naturally occurring


    Fixed chemical formula

    Specific atomic structure

  2. What is considered "normal conditions"?
    Where can I find more information about the way the specific arrangement of atoms gives rise to the mineral's physical properties such as colour, smell, etc.?

  3. So nobody wanted to just give us the answer and tell me what it is so that I can just answer my homework in google classroom

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