What Constitutes A Compromised Immune System? | MSNBC Updated for 2024

Updated: April 4, 2024

As coronavirus spreads health officials say people with underlying health conditions are at a higher risk for complications with the virus. NBC News’ medical …


27 Comments on “What Constitutes A Compromised Immune System? | MSNBC Updated for 2024”

  1. If compromised or reduce immune function leads to greater risk with this disease, why aren't we also discussing bolstering immunity? Even if optimizing vitamin D and zinc didn't help prevent COVID complications and infection (which they do) why not have experts on discussing this? Melatonin is being given to COVID patients in some LA hospitals and doctors are claiming it is helping. The most high risk groups have low melatonin levels. Why don't we hear about this? Two new studies have just come out on how vitamin D protects against COVID. Why isn't anyone on MSNBC talking about this?

  2. wtf…. the surgeonGeneral gets paid >$250k a year & by law & is the only one allowed to quarantine&enforce healthCare martialLaw regulations that liarLiar mafiaDon&pricPence have enacted without authorization (s/General signature by L.Understanding)…. & why is his website &manyOther federal webSites shutDown inside the federalGov.'t by liarLiar mafiaDon????

  3. We keep seeing the same old prevention advice.. hand washing etc…
    How about other common sense precautions:

    1. DON'T use the same pen that everyone else uses when you sign in for an appointment. Especially at the DOCTOR'S office. Bring your own pen.
    2. Don't touch door knobs, elevator buttons, or restroom faucets without a tissue. Keep a few in your pocket.
    3. If you can wait to use the restroom when out, postpone it till you get home.
    4. Order as much online as possible so you don't go to stores.
    5. If you have to shop, use the self checkout. The person who touches your groceries or purchases has touched EVERYTHING that all the shoppers before you have touched.
    6. Shop at off hours so there's less people around.
    7. Do recreational stuff at home, like movies and games, even if places are open. Family time.
    8. Wear gloves when gassing up your car. Everyone else has touched those handles.
    9. Cook at home. Even take out food can be touched by, or sneezed on by persons without gloves.
    10. If you must use handrails, place a paper towel on top first.

    Nothing is foolproof, but every precaution helps. Feel free to cut and paste.

  4. I am a 70 year old senior yet I suspect my my middle aged smoking, drug addicted relative with emphysema is in even greater danger of serious consequences. That said I am taking every precaution to not get infected and hope the my relative’s dysfunctional lifestyle does not jeopardize the whole family.

  5. Jesus Prophesies: Mathew 24:7 "Nation will rise up against nation and kingdom against kingdom, there will, be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places." 24:8 "All these are the beginnings of Sorrows."

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