Vitamin D deficiency in acute respiratory distress syndrome | Dr Dhruv Parekh Updated for 2024

Updated: April 17, 2024

Dr Dhruv Parekh explains his research on acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS, and how it might be impacted by vitamin D deficiency. *Please see …


49 Comments on “Vitamin D deficiency in acute respiratory distress syndrome | Dr Dhruv Parekh Updated for 2024”

  1. Note from the Academy:

    Dr Parekh is currently working on the frontline of the UK response to coronavirus, looking after patients in intensive care in and around Birmingham. He is therefore unable to respond to comments or provide updates, but we wanted to make some key points to ensure that people are relying on the best scientific information when thinking about how to protect themselves and their loved ones during the pandemic and beyond.

    The study summarised in this video is based on work done in mice. Results from mice do not necessarily translate into results in humans. There are currently no treatments proven to cure coronavirus (covid-19). All care (ventilation, oxygen) focuses on helping the person survive long enough for their body to push off the virus themselves.

    We continue to urge everyone to follow the key government advice which offers the most effective way to stop the spread: wash your hands, minimise social contact and stay home. In the words of our President Professor Sir Robert Lechler, "These measures are critically important if we’re going to get fully on top of this pandemic.”

    For up to date information about coronavirus, key sources of information are:

    To read about how the Academy is supporting key research and scientists through coronavirus, visit:

  2. I started testing my Vitamin D level in my forties. It is consistently low, even though I live in southern California and am out in the sun often. When I take certain supplements (I don't really know which ones work), it appears to go up a bit. (I think it's gone from the low 20s to mid 40s a couple of times). But then, if I do nothing, it always goes back down again, even though I am out in the sun often. What is going on?

  3. Yes definitely important to supplement with 5000-10000 iu. Of vitamin D ,2000-5000mg of VIT C ,20mg zinc,to stimulate the immune system especially in this overfed undernourished world we live .Essential nutrients are lacking in junk foods this combined with poor lifestyle junk food diets etc is suppressing the immune system .80% of the immune system is in your gut so it’s important to eat wholesome unadulterated foods be you veggie or carnivores.Daily walking /sun/meditation/giving gratitude/drink plenty water/supplement as above will fortify your immune system which has been taking care of known and unknown viruses for millions of years.VIT D is technically not a vitamin but a hormone which has 1000s of metabolic processes within our amazing biological systems.VIT C intravenously is currently saving thousands of lives and is particularly effective when taken as a preventative measure ie supplement daily..80 years of science backed testimony to prove how successfully VIT C is in curing all viral bacterial and toxin infections.Ref Dr Thomas levy/Linus Pauling/Dr Russell Jaffe/Dr Susan humphries/dr Cathcart/riordin clinic/New Zealand biology research university.Currently Dr Cheng is saving lives in chine using high dosage VIT C 15000-20000mg IV every 6 hours patients are going home healthy after 3-4 days.Dr Meric in New York is also trialing VIT C and curing 100s of sick people .Our immune system has the vaccine making ability for every virus but we just need to give it the ammunition it needs ie essential nutrients to do its job🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️👍🏻

  4. I respect your findings explicitly until you began talking about testing mice! The history of different research has been a history of curing in the mouse. We have cured mice of different diseases for decades & it simply did not work in humans?

  5. Check out study done on homeless people too. Very few had severe symptoms of Covid when sampled. And what do homeless people get a lot more of than the average person?!

  6. Since I’m not any time soon going to the docs to test my vitamin D levels (corona time) anyone here know how much vitamin d to take (I live in Sweden, near Stockholm)? The vitamin d tablets I take now are 25 micrograms (1000 iu)

  7. Sorry if its another conspiracy theory!!
    But I seen some other Chanel,
    They was using stem cells to make fighters cells, macrophages and killers cells,
    Basically any cell they needed,

    Using liquid focusing lenses and artificial intelligence software, to locate and pick stem cells at a production rate.

    The cells come from body fat,
    And seemed to be stimulated along its axon.
    Like this
    🔼 _ 1 .4038s

    Just to take load off chest infection so no need to sedate the most sick.

    All I know.

  8. Your body in essence is your brain abusing it with any man made concoction will cause vitamin deficiency. At birth were vaccinated a number of times unnecessarily resulting in some times catastrophic injuries external and internal If you were to ask a physician exactly what are the Vaccine properties they would not have a clue…..

  9. I have taken 4000iu every day for years now and touchwood. I feel perfectly find. I told all my friends and families to take it. It can't hurt.

  10. We need exposure to sunlight for our bodies to produce vitamin D and boost our immune systems, so what does the government do? Tell us all to stay indoors. Useless idiots.

  11. Good video, can viral antibodies from a recovered coronavirus person be delivered through or with plasma directly into lungs through the nasal passages of someone infected with coronavirus in ICU without further damaging the lungs ? maybe through vapor, can more than one coronavirus particle enter a macrophage? Meaning if multiple viral particles are entering 1 cell then there wouldn't be as previously assumed of the amount of viral replication occurring within the cell given the amount of viral overload, beginning with 1 strand of RNA unlike unpaired frefloating viral particles , possibly flooding the lungs of a ICU coronavirus patient with antibodies could reduce the viral particles through drainage

  12. I have does this for 4 years now and have done very well on 10000iu and K1 plus zinc tablet.
    THERE IS NO acceptance or even mentioned by any main stream media or bureaucracy in the UK. So simple and so effective yet ignored. It point to a purposeful ignoring of the whole thing maybe there is a reason to NOT mention it to increase the possible effect on the population for political reasons,
    Holick et al have many sites on this subject.

  13. Due to the fact that there are cells lining the nasal and respiratory passages that can activate vitamin D do you think that nebulizing vitamin D directly into the nasal and lungs could be a treatment for ARDS?

  14. Great talk. "No more torturing!" with questions. Yes. He did really well. I couldn't handle that sort of thing, I don't think. This has now become amazingly relevant!! Glad he has his fully deserved doctorate!!

  15. Interesting. I wondered if Vit D had something to do with the Covid problem, because the northern hemisphere is just recently coming out of winter. New Zealand has had only 5 deaths to date out of about 1300 cases. New Zealand has just had an unusually long and sunny summer. Credit is being given to extreme lockdown. Not discounting that, but higher than normal Vit D level in the population is very likely playing a part.

  16. Because of air pollution, even people who live at a latitude where they should be making vitamin D often don't. Many types of air pollution block the relevant frequencies of UV-B from the sun.

  17. who ever is coughing in the background is freaking me out lol I feel like I'm gonna catch corona from them! Jesus these are crazy times lol

  18. i have been talking about this in my channel for the last 5 days , that vitamin -d has a role in active lung injury and now this topic comes up ..

  19. What I can't understand is WHY are governments not telling EVERYONE to wear a mask at ALL times.

    Please, folks, ALWAYS, ALWAYS wear a mask when (1) going outdoors, (2) in crowd situations, (3) talking with someone in person. If someone coughs or sneezes near you, hold your breath and move quickly away from them.

    Always be aware of wind direction outdoors and air draughts/movements indoors. NEVER EVER stand DOWNWIND, at any distance, of anyone who coughs or sneezes.

    The virus is carried in saliva droplets which are always expelled during a cough or sneeze. Saliva droplets are even expelled when someone is just talking.

    The virus CANNOT survive outside their host cells (saliva). They have to remain inside their host cells (saliva) until they MUST land on new live cells (mucous membrane cells of the nose, mouth, eyes) so they can enter live cells on the new host person and replicate and multiply.

  20. Good presentation. Very pertinent info in times like these.

    We don't really need Vitamin D supplements. A lot of supplements are synthetic and made by Big Pharma anyway, who make money off of us both ways, by telling us lies (use sunblocks and sunscreens or you'll get cancer) which make us sick in other ways (COPD and ARDS, bone diseases, depression) and then selling us their synthetic drugs and supplements which are supposed to make us feel better or 'cure' us, which never happens.

    This is all you need for Vitamin D. Get outdoors and expose your skin to the god-given sunshine for at least 20 mins a day WITHOUT wearing sunscreens or sunblocks. In northern latitudes, you might need longer times, 30 mins up to 2 hours.

    If you can't get enough sunshine, take plain pure Cod Liver Oil, which contain all the oil Vitamins A, D, E, K, which are all needed for bone health and many other body functions, such as lung health, nerve health, glandular health, etc, plus it also contains all the Omegas. Don't take CLO which has added this or added that, those additives are synthetic or GMO. And eat a good, nutritious, low-carb diet. Keto is good. Avoid refined, processed, modified, reconstituted foods and all GMO products.

    Do NOT EVER take so-called 'Fish Oils", which contain a base (main ingredient) of GMO oils, usually soy oil, with minuscule amounts of the Omegas, which may have been extracted from CLO or may even be synthetic.

    Now with the Corona virus pandemic, the directives to stay indoors may not be a good idea. Get out into the sunshine. But if you do go outdoors, ALWAYS, ALWAYS wear a mask. Don't leave home without it! 🙂

  21. I learned of the importance of vitamin D AFTER my cancer surgery in 2009. My blood level was 33 at the time. Working with a doctor, taking dosages of vit d3 10,000iu per day, it took me 2 years to finally get the blood level over 50.
    With vit D important in 200 functions of the body, my body needed much to heal after the cancer. I did surgery only. No radiation, no chemo.
    Today, I mostly stick with dosage vit d3 5,000iu per day because I have also added vit k2 to aid in the uptake of vit D3.
    I mainly maintain a level of at least 80. At times, it has been over 100, so I cut back for 6 weeks, as the body can quickly deplete the supplemented vit D.
    I have done this over a decade, maintaining these levels with no organ problems or cancer recurrence.
    As a medical professional, I watched the panic of no vaccine available for H1N1 in 2009. Back then, the USA CDC released an announcement of supplementing with vit D3 to boost the immune system to fight the virus. This was released in the local metro newspaper. I cut it out and started suggesting these dosages they provided down to infant dosing. There were 3 dosing catagories. One mother with a family of 8, took the time to thank me; that all of her family survived the season without even a cold, while there was illness all around her family.
    SO. why is the USA CDC not releasing this info today?
    Autopsies in USA in 2009 H1N1 deaths showed many with low Vit D levels.
    There is a link if people listen.

  22. Take Vitamin D. If theres a possibility it helps to protect from Virus, it's worth taking. Especially older people. If anyone has grandparents or older parents make them take Vitamin D. And Vitamin C. It can't hurt.

  23. besides hydroxychloroquine, Zn, Selenium, N-acetylcystein, also must be vit D deficient patients proceed to ARDS, so who knows, supplementing vit D earlier might prevent their progression to ARDS 🤔🙏🏽 please share this with the doctor/s who wrote about their experience working with covid19 patients

  24. I control my asthma with 50,000iu vitamin D daily plus 150mg Oil of Oregano. I recently mentioned this to my English doctor, who was utterly amazed. The NHS really are caveman doctors, need to get up to speed with natural treatments, stop the poisonous drugs which can actually cause lung degeneration.

  25. I believe not much in pill supplements unless it would be good cod liver oil which does give good absorption. But exposition of body to the warming but not burning sun for a twenty minutes works well although it takes a day or two for the body to respond fully. Too much sun at once though depresses on the other hand the immune system, I think. Imho, the scientists forget the other effects of sunlight on the body, it's not all about that vitamin D and that's why a little sunlight works better.

  26. Take one vitamin D tablet per day (multi-vitamins don't contain enough)
    – that's why people don't get the flu, or similar, in summer – the heat has nothing to do with it.
    The same may well apply to COVID-19.

  27. BMJ 2017 respiratory infections research :

    "Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data"

  28. Great presentation. Pity regular gp's are by and large not familiar with the role of vitamin D and the immune system. Genetic diversity such as VDRtak warrants further investigation in cases of chronic vitamin d deficiency. Safety and efficacious dose is also not generally understood resulting in very low values being recommended.

  29. We evolved to be reliant upon Vitamin D.
    Look at people who live in warm or hot countries.
    Look at their high Vitamin D levels
    Then move north to judge deficiency..
    Logically those living in northern latitudes will be deficient.
    They cant get enough from food or drinking the odd glass of milk.
    Always consult your doctor >
    Vitamin D2
    Vitamin D3
    Ask doctor if you can >
    Start to build with vitamin D3 first .
    Take supliments (cod liver oil) as you age.. everyday NOT now and again..
    If overweight ask doctor for a safe limit. But take more You need to take more if overweight.

    In the coronavirus crisis it amazes me how few Doctors are telling patients to get fit.
    More sleep
    Drink water
    And get Vitamin D 2 & D 3 levels up to speed.
    It's a game changer if you fall I'll with coronavirus and you are fit as you can be and have healthy vitamin D and folic acid levels (comes from green leaf veg) elderly people have less ability to convert Vitamin D from sunlight as they get older.
    Only Your doctor can advise you but knowledge is power in the coronavirus crisis.

    I am sure .in my mind >
    .if you have low vitamin D
    low folic acid.
    A poor diet
    Worry and anxiety
    Poor sleep
    Dont drink much water
    Drink a lot of sugary drink or alcohol
    Take illegal drugs
    You are in big trouble if you get this virus
    Another good video on
    Vitamin D

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