Vitamin D and Immunity, Lots of Evidence Updated for 2024

Updated: April 27, 2024

To download John’s e text books, please go to Public Health England Vitamin D recommendations …


32 Comments on “Vitamin D and Immunity, Lots of Evidence Updated for 2024”

  1. Thank you doctor John for the information which explain better then public health guidelines and it make more sense then the actual guidelines with points to presented doses. I wonder how people with ordinary education will understand all this medical terms and politically correct terms. Thank you for all the good work😊

  2. Big Picture: take more vit D than u think (10,000 daily) . Yes "They" the 1% Worm World Order, are looking to kill you as a means of population destruction, and the remaining population will be enslaved. Assert your freedom, and your divinity . We are ONE.

  3. Thank you so much. I've been in the house for past 4 months, I live in middle east. I've been having a lot of migraines, joint pains etc. Can't have my vitamin D tested Now.
    I found vitamin D 50,000 iu in local pharmacy, can I take a single dose of 50,000 iu ? Could you please suggest? Thanks

  4. In many developed countries, most vitamin D is derived from foods that are rich in the vitamin (fatty fishes) or fortified with the vitamin (milk and related products and cereals). The remainder is synthesized in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol under the influence of ultraviolet light, at a similar wavelength that can cause sunburn (figure 1). Vitamin D deficiency can occur in people who live without sun exposure (including those whose skin is constantly protected from the sun) and/or have enhanced skin pigmentation, or whose dietary intake is low. In some individuals, however, abundant sun exposure does not preclude vitamin D insufficiency for reasons that are poorly understood [1]. Nevertheless, vitamin D deficiency occurs most commonly in people who live in countries distant from the equator and who consume foods that are not fortified with vitamin D [2]. Vitamin D deficiency can also occur with adequate intake if there is intestinal malabsorption of vitamin D, as occurs with celiac disease.

  5. Vitamin D deficiency can therefore occur as a result of decreased intake or absorption, reduced sun exposure, increased hepatic catabolism, or decreased endogenous synthesis (via decreased 25-hydroxylation in the liver or 1-hydroxylation in the kidney). End-organ resistance to vitamin D causes the equivalent result as deficiency.

  6. Measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) is the best index for determination of normal or subnormal vitamin D in the body. However, the optimal serum 25(OH)D concentration for skeletal health and extraskeletal health is controversial, and it has not been rigorously established for the population in general or for specific ethnic groups. The majority of groups define vitamin D sufficiency as a 25(OH)D concentration greater than 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L).

  7. Here is something interesting …

    high fructose corn syrup and Vitamin D

    COVID-19 Update 83 with Roger Seheult, MD … on youtube

    Oxidative stress may play a key role in the severity of COVID-19 infection. A variety of studies have demonstrated how high sugar intake (and fructose in particular – such as high fructose corn syrup) contributes not only to oxidative stress but to the inactivation of a usable form of vitamin D as well. Join Dr. Seheult for illustrations of how these pathways work.

    (This video was recorded June 12, 2020).

  8. I buy vitamin D3 powder and Vitamin K2 tablets. I have one large dose of vitamin D3 on a Sunday and let that carry me through the week. I buy my D3 powder on eBay and it's about 104,000 IU per gram. So I have 3 quarters of a gram which gives me about 11,000 IU per day which according to my research, given how large I am, is a healthy amount for my body type.

  9. So us in Arizona shouldn't be the highest rate of infections in the world then right? Are we not most likely to have good rates of Vit D? Maybe our numbers would show that.

  10. Here are 2 very relevant lectures from a university conference in 2014 by medical experts on the role of Vitamin D in health and disease. They both say that we need more than the 4000 IU/day for optimum blood levels. Regarding toxic levels, there is a very high level that is safe, certainly up to 10,000 IU/day does not cause toxic effects. Optimum daily intake of D3 seems to be 4000 to 6000 IU/day, with 6000 IU/day being the optimum amount for lactating mothers to produce enough of the vitamin in their breast milk for the needs of the infant. They say it's important to take it daily, not once a week or less often, because vitamin D is cleared from the blood within 24 hours, so we need to replenish it daily. They point out that from a single exposure to sunlight that barely produces skin turning pink within 24 hours produces 20,000 IU of vitamin D. Such large amounts are not toxic, but probably exceed what we optimally need. and . Personally, I've increased my intake to 5000 IU/day (125 mcg/day). — Stanley Sokolow DDS

  11. A good rule of thumb regards getting Vitamin D3 from sun: If your shadow is longer than your height, you are NOT getting any D3. No shadow, no D3. The ultraviolet rays (that are absorbed by cholesterol in your skin) are short, and cannot go through clouds, sun screen, and in the winter cannot go through the atmosphere, because of the angle of the sun to the northern half of the earth. Vitamin D3 is made from lanolin in sheep's wool mostly from New Zealand, where the sun shines all year. 15 minutes in the mid day sun in a bikini without sun screen will get you 50,000 IU. Vitamin D3 has a half life of 24 hours, so it is vital that you take supplements DAILY!!!!! I take 4000 IU every day, and haven't had a cold or flu for 8 years.

  12. What about Zinc supplements? Did you find any reasearch lately or in your opinion is it advisable??
    I've been going through things that say Zinc too is important
    Is it credible,?

  13. Dr. Campbell. I took the liberty of reporting this information to the New York Post tip line. They apparently did the research and published an article on May 1st. Cheers Dr. Campbell. Well done.

  14. Dr. Campbell is right in saying the doses are conservative.
    US health agencies publish a safe maximum dose of 4000 units in a separate, usually overlooked document. We should be wary of governments pretending to do their job even if they proactively alert us with minimum doses and their usual warnings about the dangers of sunshine.
    That’s why I included my letter to politicians in a separate comment.

  15. My only comment is that of course you must say to consult your doctor, but in point of fact even They are not aware of the published maximum safe dose, which HHS agencies bury in A separate document.
    This letter which can be sent to your political representatives quite quickly and easily choice to get a solution that will address the problem for billions of people not just those wise enough to watch videos like this one.
    WH, Congress, CDC, ETC Missing the Immune-System-Rescue Boat:
    This is a 5-minute proposal with criticality that becomes clear in 5 seconds.

    War on COVID-19 is waged externally,
    but ignores the internal immunity battlefield.

    CDC’s COVID-19 website and public service messages do not alert the public of widespread micronutrient deficiencies, critical to immuno-competency,
    such as Vit.D, in over 69% of Elders, and People of Color.

    Correlation of D-insufficiency with severity of COVID outcomes is mounting from multiple sources.
    Dr. JoAnn Manson of Harvard, in a 4-minute video, notes:
    “…70% lower risk of respiratory infection with vitamin D supplementation.
    …the evidence is becoming quite compelling.”

    HHS’s NIH&CDC and ODPHP (created by Congress to “lead disease prevention and health promotion efforts”) do NOT deny criticality of deficiencies, nor benefits of supplementation, as shown in their publications; summarized/quoted herein.

    According to HHS, preparing for and preventing disease is a CDC directive… Unfortunately, proactive mitigation of immuno-incompetency is absent in their return plans, website, and public service messages.

    CDC should be instructed, through Congressional oversight committees, to promote immune-system optimization for the public and healthcare professionals and institutions.

    It will not be necessary to convince HHS agencies of their own findings.
    Guidelines can and must be implemented quickly.

    CDC needs a battle plan that powerfully promotes:
    1. Optimal Immunity-Critical Micronutrients,
    2. Multiple Immune-System-Building methods,
    3. Internal Viral-Load-Reduction Techniques.

    The known cure is our immune system… enhancing it is our best weapon on the internal battlefield.

    The following is gathered only from various HHS agency publications, IF we search the Google jungle:

    Most COVID infections present no, few, or manageable symptoms, while others suffer or die, ultimately due to immuno-competency differences.

    Eleven micronutrients, especially A, C, D, & Zinc are critical to immune response.
    Widespread, hidden deficiencies of D:
    69% Hispanics,
    82% Blacks, and similar for Elders, are found in these disproportionately impacted groups.

    Overcoming D– deficiency provides a long-term, far-reaching improvement and overall health:
    double-blind proven to improve a range of health outcomes:
    from osteoporosis fractures, to depression, dementia, and major illnesses, including
    cancer (also immune-system responsive), cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

    Some micronutrients are useful at much higher levels than RDA.
    Doses 7X RDA are safe and beneficial for most.
    77% of Americans claim to take supplements, yet 42% are D-deficient, rarely tested, and unlikely to know if they are!

    “Zinc promotes immune functions and helps resist infectious diseases.”
    “…supplements reduce…respiratory infections, lowers…deaths from all causes.“

    Not everyone is aware of methods to remove viral load from mouth, nose, and throat, or of
    other physical immunity-building techniques.

    “Micronutrients are exceptionally deficient in patients suffering from mental disorders.”
    (As my psychiatrist would say, “Does that tell you anything?”)

    We have invested in health information that has not been effectively delivered.

    Dependency on the “Google Jungle”, (which can “confuse the health out of us”!) is letting us all down… with disjointed, difficult to decipher, government health publications.

    ODPHP lists RDA of D 600iu for adults under 71, (50% more than previous; still often sold/mistaken as 400iu)… while separately publishing safe “max” doses: (ex. 4000iu. of D…much more effective in achieving optimal levels).
    10,000 to 20,000 ui can be gained by sun… if not washed off.

    Failure to advise “stay-home“ compensation for little sun, is just one example of enabling compromised immune systems to contribute to transmission.

    Which politicians will win hearts, minds, and votes in this call-to-action?

    The Democratic Presidential contender’s 4-Step Return Plan, is missing the 1st step…optimizing immune systems!

    Presumptions that politicians can do nothing, due to Pharma influence, are overcome in an optional “Additional Proposal Support” topic below.

    The pandemic presents an unprecedented opportunity to elevate personal health permanently, and address our 75% preventable disease load…and its impending bankruptcy of governmental medical insurance.

    Regardless of the structure of our costly insurance programs, salvation/solvency depends on preventing illness…
    not just figuring out who gives, gets, and pays…
    A Penny of Educational Prevention IS Worth a Dollar of Cure.

    Politicians who promote this type of permanent-benefit proposal will win.
    If not; we all lose.

    Winning on the battlefield within, is a best way to mitigate severity AND protect the future of our health, insurance systems, treasury, and sanity.

    Embarrassingly delayed?
    “Better late than never” was never more urgent.
    Filling the immune-system communication gap is a best tactic for our government representatives and hopefuls.

    Further NIH-published support and details below, are not needed to take action now.
    Even with vaccines, there is ultimately one cure…
    a successful immune response.

    Governments haven’t been proactively providing immune-system protection info.
    However, Google, overly relied upon by government, contains the following NIH-published summary of a multi-study review;
    by scientists from BAYER!
    Their conclusions:
    “…the immune system needs specific micronutrients, including A, D, C, E, B6, and B12, folate, zinc, iron, copper, and selenium, which play vital, often synergistic roles at every stage of the immune response.” …
    “Adequate amounts are essential to ensure proper function of physical barriers and immune cells; 
    however, intakes necessary to support immune function may be higher than current recommended dietary allowances.
    …even marginal deficiency may impair immunity. 
    …supplementation may modulate immune function and reduce the risk of infection.”

    Explanations of why CDC and other official health organizations are mum on immunity-building, based on pharma influence,
    (as the Supreme Court allows!),
    don’t fly when shot down:

    Pharma may influence, but has not enough funds or network of secrecy, to control HHS/NIH/CDC and Congress.
    1. Specialized drug profits are not significantly jeopardized by supplements.
    2. Pharma is best-positioned for opportunities in patient-customized micronutrients, tuned for age, race, conditions, medications, vitals, genetics, etc.
    3. Vaccines and profits, are tenuous, sporadic, irrelevant at the moment, and much less likely to work in micronutrient-deficient immunesystems.

    Vitamin therapy isn’t going to kill Pharma….
    But it’s killing us to underrate and under-educate.

    Still not convinced immune-system support is a critical weapon…or that people will respond?…
    Look at the now more rapidly growing, mental-illness “side of the pandemic coin” in an NIH publication:

    ”4 of 10 leading causes of disability are mental disorders…
    studies show a lack of certain dietary nutrients contribute to the development of mental disorders.”
    “Notably, essential vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids are often deficient in the general population…
    and are exceptionally deficient in patients suffering from mental disorders.”
    “Studies have shown daily supplements of vital nutrients often effectively reduce symptoms.”

    “…nutritional supplement treatment may be appropriate for controlling major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and anxiety, eating, and attention deficit disorder/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD), addiction, and autism.“

    Let’s not get sicker for no good reason… Please take action!

  16. Okay I am totally confused the last blood test I had said I was very deficient in vitamin D. I am very fair person in the U.S. how much vitamin D should I be taking? Any ideas? Thanks so much Mary

  17. Dr Hollick states 4,000IU daily is perfect for body . There is D level app to determine if you are getting correct intake of vitamin D due to supplement and sun exposure due to global location. App is dmider

  18. Great content and an excellent summary at the end. vitamin D supplementation should immediately be implemented in elderly homes, for starters. Wider public supplementation recommended by governments. How easy is that? I wonder why our government (Dutch) is not taking this serious.

  19. No test results in video and how it raises levels differently based upon oral or sublingually. First test and then the best way to absorb Vit D, to avoid issues with gut absorption that also varies wildly person to person with health status, is to take a sublingual vitamin D3 such as available by maker Superior Source at various doses 1000 -10,000 IU daily. 5,000 IU’s will raise your levels, from my test results, about 10 levels per week and reaching 50 is an optimal level. After about a month, you can then drop down and take about 1000 to 5000 IU once per week sublingually for maintenance then retest after a few months to find out if you are maintaining at the weekly maintenance dose. In the pandemic situation, raising rapidly might be advantageous in this manner otherwise .. as an example 1000 IU may take 4 months to reach optimal blood level of 50.

    I took 50,000 IUs orally for a month and no appreciable raise in my vitamin D status (18-23) but when I switched to sublingual form, my levels went from 23 to 40 in about two weeks at 5,000 IU’s of D3.

  20. I always saw tanning during the UK summer as a cultural activity and didn't bother since I don't tan well. But since I've worn tee-shirts and shorts during the UK summer, I no longer get common colds. Note that Arizona is in a very hot part of the US where houses are built underground to deal with the climate there.

  21. Hi Doctor – I am not a doctor but I use observations in my life experiences. I worked in industrial processes and where air quality was low due to emissions of solvents and we were told to drink milk following exposure, this caused the mucus to increase from the lung areas and I studied this and realised that babies drink milk from the moment they are born when the lungs first take a breath so it seems there is something in milk that acts on the ace2 receptors and appears to be beneficial even in adults. My wife and I are in our mid 70s and take vitamin D and drink milk – we never have colds , flue or virus infections – maybe someone could look into this rather than dismiss it.

  22. Back here in India, we have overdose of vit – D. Thanks to subcontinent seasons. Also Just incorporate peppercorns/ clove/ turmeric in your diet to avoid cough common cold..

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