Vaccines and the Immune Response: How Vaccines Work Updated for 2024

Updated: April 18, 2024

Vaccines and the Immune Response: How Vaccines Work This animation provides an overview of vaccines and the immune response, and how influenza …


34 Comments on “Vaccines and the Immune Response: How Vaccines Work Updated for 2024”

  1. You have to wonder why some vaccines have aluminium in them as wellas other nasty things, a French virologist found HIV & other virus components in the C19 virus some one is not telling the truth here !

  2. To simplify, it says vaccines are made out of the virus itself. A part of the virus or a virus that is inactivated or killed (vaccine) will be injected to ur body (that is called vaccination). Now, let's say one person sneezes and the virus will enter your body and it matches with the virus (part/killed/inactivated) that is already im your body (the vaccine), your body will automatically avoid or deminish the severity of the virus. That is how you gain the immunity.

  3. This video is meant for people studying this subject in school, that's why it may sound so confusing. If you're looking up how vaccines work for fun, this isn't the video you're looking for lol. The guy narrating this is literally the same guy who narrates videos from my online book. I'm studying microbiology and for my exam I need to know how vaccines work on a "cellular" level so this video was extremely helpful for me!!! Imagine trying to learn this from a professor who isn't that great at teaching (that's why I'm here lol). I would suggest watching "How do vaccines work – Kelwalin…..D..something" by TED-Ed on youtube (don't copy and paste that). He does a great job of explaining it simply but super informatively. If you wanna know the basics… there are a few different types of vaccines but for the sake of the length of this comment I'll stick to the most common. Basically, they inject a dead version of the virus inside you to prepare your cells for the real live virus. How they do this is they completely kill the virus with a special soap or detergent so that it will be dead, but still have the same structure as the virus so your cells will recognize it as the "real virus" and "kill it". Your body will create "memory cells" while doing this so if the real, live virus were to enter your body, your cells would "remember" it and be able to kill it off for real. I hope this clears things up!!

  4. Couldn't understand still.May be that's why it's really so complex to built vaccine.🤔
    Note: I got more than 90% in biology in my 10th.

  5. So far all corona virus vaccines killed the test animals. All those dropping dead from Covid-19 had previous vaccines like the influenza and others which caused cytokine storms etc. Also no vaccine can work since coronaviruses mutate si fast so even if a safe vaccine could be made, it would be useless on wild strains which mutate so fast. Other thing, you can catch the virus from the vaccine as we see with the measles, polio, influenza, etc jabs. So imagine when the vaccinated start catching and spreading the Covid-19 virus from the vaccine, we will have multiple worldwide outbreaks. One way to depopulate the world and make money, invent a Bioweapon, creste a deadly vaccine, and make massive amounts of money in the process whilst not telling the public that cheap genetic anti-malaria drugs and high dose vitamin C etc have been curing Covid-19 easily within days, and vitamin C, Zinc, and D3 with K2-mk7 has been preventing you from catching it.

  6. Okey so basically it means that it gives you a weakened virus so you are able to fight it and then when you get the stronger one you will be able to kill it

  7. Thank you so much! I had previously watched another video which I found too vague and general. This video was clear and informative, and I appreciate the scientific detail.

  8. Some people may find that reading the information is easier for them.
    Influenza vaccines work by using inactivated viral particles containing hemagglutinin h and neuraminidase NA(sub-Varian particles) to trigger an immune response by injecting it into the muscle. Immune cells such as macrophages, T and B cells will break the hemagglutinin into small components by ingesting it(macrophage phagocytosis). On the surface of the macrophage, the hemagglutinin antibody and the major histocompatibility complex(MHC t-cells) will appear. Now the MHC t-cells can bind to antigens associated with the MHC. T-cells become either cytotoxic t-cells, suppressor t-cells, or helper t-cells. Helper t-cells have hemagglutinin receptors, can produce antibody creation, and help with memory b-cell activation. B-cells can ingest hemagglutinin without MHC. After ingestion, it then presents the hemagglutinin along with the MHC on its surface. If an active B expressing the antigen MHC and T-cells interact, the T-cell secretes lymphokines, which will differentiate the b-cell into either a memory b-cell or a plasma cell. Plasma cells make hemagglutinin antibodies specific to the strain in the vaccine. Memory b-cells help fight against future infections by activating the immune response.

    Aerosol droplets containing live influenza droplets try to infect the nasopharyngeal epithelial layer of the body. The antibodies either block or diminish the severity of the virus.

  9. Problem is, flu virus keeps changing and evolving.. so vaccine is obsolete. Unless you got that specific virus which is about a year old.

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