Trump Refuses Mask In Public As U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Top 95,000 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC Updated for 2024

Updated: April 17, 2024

Visiting a Ford facility in Michigan, Trump failed again to wear a face mask in front of the media as U.S. deaths from the coronavirus continue to increase.


48 Comments on “Trump Refuses Mask In Public As U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Top 95,000 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC Updated for 2024”

  1. The mask work, The mask dont work, The mask works, The mask dont work, The mask work, The mask dont work, The mask works, The mask dont work.
    Your just part of the organization that is attacking The President of the United States.
    We will not forget your tyranny.

  2. Thank God someone has enough sense to see what .03% this news is horrible trying to scare people Wake up Dr Fauci is bought and paid for by Bill Gates look at his investments in Big Pharma He wants Trump gone

  3. You should have stuck to your guest appearances on The Daily Show and Colbert. You're out of your league in the real world

  4. Hard head thinking they're invincible against the virus, submissive to authority is the key(patience is a virtue), unsubmissive to government is same as rebellion to GOD, and don't ever test GOD….. You must submit to authority STAY AT HOME until vaccine comes…..

  5. I am so sad for my country. No leadership at all. I'm an "essential worker". I Cannot get tested trump!

  6. Bull EXCREMENT. It stuns me you people still buy into this. I honestly think you've all gone insane. This less filling/tastes great attitude is as silly as the actual commercials. Frankly I feel bad for Trump cuz he seems to know that this is horse crap but you media people can't admit when you were wrong. Now I know your up to know good. When 5g hits that'll be a lot of fun! You should be ashamed but sociopaths are incapable of empathy or compassion let alone shame. My poor kids.

  7. Your airplanes down argument is even bigger than most Americans can conceptualize. Better to say
    "Today the death rate was the equivalent of TEN airplanes going down in the past 24 hour period".
    If that happened NO ONE would fly, and the republicans would even claim we were under attack.
    Add to that " It's equivalent to TEN planes having gone down EVERY day since March 24th – TEN planes 61 days in a row".
    but the harpies will find something to object to in cold hard FACTS.

  8. Look at the new packaging the mask manufacturers are putting on their labels, doesn’t protect from covid-19. Quit with the fear mongering stupidity as the average mask you are wearing doesn’t stop you from getting it, think about it? You can still smell perfume and other food products and the virus is approximately 120 NM in diameter these masks aren’t sealed so washing your hands and social distancing is more effective!

  9. Really, Wake up people. A horror movie; the next phase. Covid 20, the fall of man-kind. Produced and Directed by the Elites. Starring the non- essential people in the world. Coming to theatres near you, (your homes).

  10. Newsflash!!! I aint masking either…never have…never will…long before the created hoopla by the biased media…
    Sides…if I did…they might mistake me for a wrestler!!!

  11. Apology for not wearing mask???? Our life becomes real life joke!! (If you cough or sneeze without covering your mouth, you need to apologize) Michigan governor did not wear mask when she speak at Midland flood. Media, get some better news coverage!

  12. God media , stop with the ridiculous comparisons. We all know what 100,000 is without you telling us how many people fit in a certain plane.

  13. Lol, lying Brian Willams, do the Ms NBC 13 sheep know Brian Willams was fired for lying about getting shot down in a helicopter. The fake news thinks you people either forgot, or don't care

  14. We won't have trump much longer. He is terminally obese now, and still eating. What about that Adderall? Take more! A lot more! trump directly caused the deaths thousands of Americans from Covid-19 by giving the Pandemic 6 weeks to spread unchecked. The whole world hates trump. 4 trillion dollars have been given to the rich and big business by trump and Congress, so much that many, like Amazon and facebook will post spectacular profits this year! trump lies and lies about lying. trump totally dominates the news every day. The campaign of disinformation is widespread and powerful. The "numbers" are tests and tested people, not the real number of cases or deaths. trump thinks he can control the testing and control the narrative, and so do the Red states. Everyone on Earth hates trump.

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