Secretary Azar’s grim warning on health risks of prolonged lockdowns Updated for 2024

Updated: May 8, 2024

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar addresses worries surrounding U.S. testing capacity. #FoxNews Subscribe to Fox News! …


32 Comments on “Secretary Azar’s grim warning on health risks of prolonged lockdowns Updated for 2024”

  1. Pile of horseshoe I don't believe in forcing people to do. This carp for something you started in the first place .

  2. Thank you Mr. Azar. I'm glad someone has finally brought attention to the other health issues that come into play with prolonged quarantine.

  3. It’s painfully obvious that the threat posed by the coronavirus was grossly overstated from the beginning. The real threat always was to our constitutional rights and freedoms due to the draconian responses to this virus. “Shelter in place” is not only like “killing a fly with a sledgehammer”, it sets a very dangerous precedent that threatens our civil liberties from now on! The numbers just never did justify the overreaction.

  4. The long swab tests are painful!
    I'll wait until they switch to the one that you only swab lower nasal area, thanks!

  5. Just not having normal daily life is hurting everyone. My 3 year old granddaughter has been crying nearly daily. She asked her mother, "Mommy please make everything normal" with tears just streaming down her cheeks, Please keep pushing for the children's sake for normal, no new normal.

  6. Alex Azar is not a doctor, and his only contribution to the medical field has been during his time as a lobbyist for drugs companies where he pushed an increase in drug prices, and in leadership positions at drug companies where he was behind an increase in drug prices, and enormous scandals the resulted in deaths and over a billion dollars in scandals. For all the attempts to make dr fauci look like a shill for drug companies, literally alex azar has spent decades making medical pricing worse to increase drug company profits.
    I'm not sure I'm going to listen to him

  7. Why were the CDC, NIH (and for that matter NIAID) and the HHS caught unprepared and ill-equipped to face any pandemic? What have they been doing all these years with their billions of dollars funding every year? Can they please explain that to the American people?

  8. I wonder why there is no talk or questioning about the request to triple funding for CAPTA, the entities that terrorize American families, kids, parents across the nation and deprive thousands of Americans of their civil rights. This man oversees the Federal entity that oversees the state entities that house CPS.

  9. After fake news pulled the fake drive-thru testing site, we can't see one without wondering how fake it is as well. Sick and tired of fake news, corrupt higher courts….Lies, Lies and more Lies. People don't just cut the cord any more, they're throwing their tvs out of the windows.

  10. There are tests every where. Go for a doctor's appointment, you get tested. If you want a test, call your doctor.. Azar should know that.

  11. So now trumps on it, ha…….. This could save You or a Loved One : I've been home now for 2 months in shock,so I started ready everything covid 19. Here goes, Dr. Oz had 2 great you tubes with Dr. Didier Raoult , world famous Frence immunologist. and Dr. Daniel Wallace, Beverly Hills Calif. Dr. Dr. Zelenko who trump refers to his letter upstate Westchester co. N.Y. All 3 have done extensive testing on their patients. Dr. Dan Erickson Bakersfield Calif. has 2 great fact based videos as an aside. Hcq,z pack,zinc sullfate, mixed together. Cures you in 1-2 days.
    Remember our national treasure Tom Hanks ?? Thought he was a goner ?? He and wife Rita took it, got cured in 2 days.Worst symptoms according to his own fb page ?? " the blahs". Boris Johnson Miracle ?? 2 days, cured. Karen Whitsett staunch democrat in Mich. read her story. Share this !!

  12. Locking away the elderly people will only decrease their immune system. They need to be on the ☀️sunshine to get vitamin D, which increase their immune system not shut down to die. I don't understand doctors coming up with lock them away.

  13. Grim warning, why the fear mongering fox news? I dont think the risks can get worse than 100K dead from covid. Get your priorities straight. Where is the leadership?

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