How the coronavirus pandemic is turning into a mental health crisis | COVID-19 Special Updated for 2024

Updated: April 22, 2024

The United Nations is warning of a mental-health crisis brought on by the corona-virus. It says governments need to take immediate action. Millions of people are …


36 Comments on “How the coronavirus pandemic is turning into a mental health crisis | COVID-19 Special Updated for 2024”

  1. Ive always lived online, watching anime and a shutin. So.. im fine this actualy helped me. It even helped the planet heal from so much polution im ok. I socialize online too, I dont see any difference. Id say this people were already depressed the virus only made it worse

  2. DW News articles talking to "WHO experts" will age badly when proof comes out that the WHO is a irresponsible organization.

  3. If anyone needs easy guided mindfulness/meditation, we have uploaded a couple of videos. We shall upload a couple of calming ones very soon ❤ keep strong everyone

  4. My 11 year old nephew stopped eating for a whole day, he has been crying often. He is usually a happy child with a healthy appetite. He says he misses school, his friends, family, touching and hugging people.

  5. Some people are different, when disasters happen they express clarity of thought and not madness. Unfortunately most judge others by their own standards. The biggest pandemic we face in reality is FEAR and the irrational behaviour and thought processes it creates amoungst the masses.

  6. Is the Supreme God WHY for happiness? A person who thinks. Think from all angles! In order to spread the word around the world, I continue to write various sentences using John's apocalypse and yhwh.
    I made a new discovery.

    The word "King" is in English in "Thinking".


    I am Japanese, but English is a mysterious and interesting language!

    What a wonderful thing.

    JP Cooper-September Song

    h / why = yhwh = 360 ° eddie55






    なんて 素敵。

    JP Cooper – September Song


  7. Yoga can help. Everyone needs to learn pranayam, Dhyan, and other yogic exercises, that’s the only non medicinal way of dealing with mental and physical health issues.

  8. High time,we are already late in tackling mental health issues. People who already have mental health problems suffer the most. Suicides might increase. Telehealth services buck up

  9. Any functioning society should START with mental health, but it's always the last thing anyone thinks about…which explain why society doesn't function.

  10. Why are you so late in talking about this? You manipulate the emotions of the public and then you act like you care…and then you say government needs to take immediate action. It was government action based on inaccurate “models” that put the lockdown on in the first place. This will create a collapsed economy around the world and worsen the psychological effects on mentally unstable individuals. Psychological devastation paired with economic devastation. We will see what the results will be. I could see this coming long ago. But I’m no expert to listen to, I’m just a person with common sense. We take measured risks everyday and we have gradually improved living conditions for more and more people. More and more people live longer lives everyday. There is actually less violence less starvation and less suffering in the world, in spite of what news media tell you everyday. In two months we have destroyed the lives of more people than the virus would have. Thank you to the media, the government and 🇨🇳.

  11. John 3-16 kjv – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  12. People are not raised to be resilient and tough minded anymore. It's a codependent world we've created. A world that holds others hostage for us to function. In times of trial the weak flail about ineffectively.

  13. It's not covid-19 that's causing the majority of mental health issues. The governmental response in many countries, pushing people out of work, denying human contact, and testing the extent to which they can get away with authoritarian actions.

  14. Hopefully governments around the world are sued for the Lockdown which were totally un necessary. The Lockdown will have long lasting effects and will do far more damage to health and the economy than the virus ever would have. 650,000 people die of Influenza every year where is the outcry?

  15. This is turning into a mental health crisis, as I am now starting to think like a Leftist. Please… me…..or drive a stake through my heart!

  16. Hydroxychloroquine.
    Safe. Affordable. Tested by doctors around the world during more than 40yrs.
    Trump takes it.
    The corporate Media around the world goes crazy (with excellent coordination..)

    I wonder why.

    Is it because if it works we don't need to on house arrest?
    Or is it maybe that if it works we won't need a vaccine?

  17. What is the mental health impact on elderly people? They have been told to self isolate and are not seeing their families. However it is not clear that this group will be able to go out once lock down has been lifted. That can seem very depressing

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