Live is Life: The Healthy Life You Want

Heart Healthy Habits

Prevent and Reverse Heart Problems With Simple Daily Actions 

In as little as 21 days

The most common symptom of high blood pressure is death.

That’s right, high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a heart condition which often times reveals no outward signs of its presence. No doubt you have heard a story about someone who was in seemingly excellent physical health, but dropped dead with no warning because of a heart problem.

High blood pressure is not the only heart disease which can lead to a heart attack or stroke without first displaying any symptoms. A number of conditions can lead to stroke, heart attack or some other devastating cardiovascular problem.

If you think your heart is pretty healthy, and that you will avoid any significant heart problem in your life, consider the following:

Those statistics were taken from the World Health Organization and World Heart Federation. By the way, those 2 respected centers of cardiovascular research agree that …