"Prevent and Reverse Heart Problems With Simple Daily Actions …"

In as little as 21 days


From: Marcel Costuleanu,
CMC Life Trends LLC

RE: Do you know the most common symptom of high blood pressure?

Dear Friend,

The most common symptom of high blood pressure is death.

That's right, high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a heart condition which often times reveals no outward signs of its presence. No doubt you have heard a story about someone who was in seemingly excellent physical health, but dropped dead with no warning because of a heart problem.

High blood pressure is not the only heart disease which can lead to a heart attack or stroke without first displaying any symptoms. A number of conditions can lead to stroke, heart attack or some other devastating cardiovascular problem.

If you think your heart is pretty healthy, and that you will avoid any significant heart problem in your life, consider the following:

  • 17.3 million people around the world die from some type of cardiovascular disease each year.
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure) claims the lives of 1.1 million annually.
  • 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke each year.
  • Stroke causes 6 million deaths annually.
  • 5 million stroke sufferers are left permanently disabled for life.
  • Stroke is the 2nd leading cause of disability in the world.
  • Stroke, heart attack and other heart conditions strike young and old, men and women, and all cultures and demographics.

Those statistics were taken from the World Health Organization and World Heart Federation. By the way, those 2 respected centers of cardiovascular research agree that ...

As much as 90% of heart health problems and cardiovascular disease can be prevented.

What do you have to do to protect yourself, your family and the ones you love against the many heart conditions which unfortunately touch so many lives?

Simple ... make small lifestyle changes on a regular basis.

That's it.

That's all you need to do. Make small changes in your life, and turn them into daily habits.

Heart doctors, cardiovascular researchers and other health professionals now agree that lifestyle changes can be more effective than traditionally described heart medications for preventing and treating heart disease.

Insightful doctors began to investigate the relationship between certain lifestyle factors, like diet and exercise, tobacco and alcohol consumption, and a multitude of heart diseases. Over the next 2 1/2 decades, doctors realized that heart disease was largely a choice.

You either consciously chose to do those things which lead to a long list of heart problems, or you do not.

This led to heart disease becoming the factor for 1 in every 6 deaths in the United States by 1990. The mortality rate was cut in half in just 25 years, saving tens of millions of lives, when people began to practice heart-healthy lifestyle traits on a daily basis.

In other words, do the right things and you can avoid the following heart related problems:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Heart muscle disorders
  • Cardiovascular inflammation
  • Heart arrhythmia
  • Poor circulation
  • Impaired mental function
  • Lack of energy
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Early death
In truth, a weak heart can contribute to an unlimited number of health problems. Your heart is responsible for pumping oxygen and blood throughout your body.

When it is not working properly, every part of your body is weakened, including your immune system. This puts you at a higher risk for any number of illnesses and ailments, mental and physical, internal and external. The key is in knowing the simple daily steps you should take to avoid the many problems caused by an unhealthy heart. That's exactly what you get in the special report ...

“21 Days to Healthy Heart Habits”

21 Days to Healthy Heart Habits

The upside to making certain choices in your life, taking actions which are very specific to heart health, is that you can turn see the potentially life-saving, life-changing benefits in as little as 21 days. When you reserve your copy of the special report, 21 Days to Heart Healthy Habits, you will discover:

  • The only diet approved by the American Heart Association for beating high blood pressure (without medicines of any kind). (Day 5)
  • The miracle food you only need to eat 2 times a week to raise your "good" and lower your "bad" cholesterol levels. (Day 15)
  • That just 4 hours of moderate physical activity each week leads to a healthy heart. (Day 12)
  • The connection between nuts and heart health. (Day 16)
  • How a quick phone call can actually improve your heart health. (Day 19)
  • Some fats are not only healthy, but you absolutely must eat them for your heart to function properly (and where to get them). (Day 9)
  • The heart-hating habit which is as dangerous as drinking and driving. (Day 18)
  • Inherited heart problems can be eliminated with simple lifestyle changes. (Introduction)
  • Why eating directly from a box, bag or can is a heart healthy no-no. (Day 16)
  • How to "eat a rainbow" is so important. (Day 10)
  • Just one year after you stop smoking, you begin to dramatically reverse the damage to your heart. (Day 20)
  • What to do before eating your main course at a restaurant that can reduce the overall number of calories you consume. (Day 13)
  • A major cause of disability in the world (it's not what you think, and it can kill your heart). (Day 19)

Remember, some heart problems, like high blood pressure, display no symptoms before they wreak havoc on your life. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and claim your copy of 21 Days to Heart Healthy Habits right now 

The life-saving, heart healthy information contained in this short, special report will be sent to your inbox immediately. So you can begin to live a healthier life, free of the independence-robbing, debilitating and sometimes deadly effects of heart disease, right away.

Your Next Step...


P.S.  Rejuvenate your future with Healthy Hearth Habits today by Clicking "Buy Button" above.