Flu Vaccine: Myths and Facts | UCLA Health Updated for 2024

Updated: April 23, 2024

Learn more: https://www.uclahealth.org/flu-prevention.


45 Comments on “Flu Vaccine: Myths and Facts | UCLA Health Updated for 2024”

  1. My kids got sick constantly after the flu shot…. That was 5 years ago. Since then no more shots and never got sick again. I denied a vaccine for my son with down syndrome and the doctor gave me a lecture of why I am being a bad parent for not allowing a vaccine. Well guys. I wouldn't put my son in risk if he is delicate.

  2. Government stands for mind control. The way the government set us up to believe in the whole pharmaceutical lie is through our parents from birth. Most parents took kids to get shots from the doctors. The shots they put in us is sickness. This why years later people and children stay sick, overweight and other sickness. Our body fights all disease naturally. That's how we all get brainwashed into the pharmaceutical industry. No one ever question a doctor to say why do I need shots of I am not sick. That's how it starts is with brainwash of saying you better get your shots or else you might get sick. They made us fear something that no one needed to defeat. If sick I understand. But children are not sick and perfect. Man took knowledge, hud it for his own financial gain and continues to do it.

  3. Would you buy a car from a company that is protected from lawsuits? Me either. The companies that make vaccines have total impunity from the law. That's a very good reason not to do business with them. People have tried to get around the protection that Pharmaceutical companies enjoy and a small fraction of them successfully. The problem is there is gag order attached to the plaintiff so they can't talk about it. Also big pharma have to pay a tiny fraction of the amount awarded if they can just drag the cases out long enough for the victim to die. The law states that if the pharmaceutical company's mistake tortured and ruined a life and immediate family they might be on the hook for hundreds of millions, if they wait for the victim to die, the award caps out at 200,000.
    You want to do business with companies that are completely exempt from any accountability? Go ahead. I dare ya.

  4. Wow, what a sales pitch. God got it wrong again; your immune system doesn’t work? And, if it ‘has’ been compromised by other drugs such as anti-biotics or toxic substances in your food and drink, how do they know how an individual would cope with a problem like the flue? How do we know they’re being honest about the figures that seem to be based on their presumptions about death?

    This smug bunch of script readers are being paid well to represent Big Pharma, as it holds on tight to its Worldwide Monopoly; in fear that people will realise that it only treats symptoms with copy-written chemicals, ‘all with side effects’, and does not provide ‘cures’.

    If you reflect on nature, does it seem logical that a syringe should ever have been created in order to squirt a largely unknown chemical directly into the bloodstream of a human being, ‘when that individual is well?’

    There are different theories as to why the flue shot is pushed; is it ‘just’ for prophet? Does it slowly cause physical and mental problems so there is a need for the consumption of other drugs later on?

    In the case of the upcoming corona virus vaccine offering; can it be tracked? Is it simply a slow poison, created with depopulation in mind, causing deaths which can later be put down to the pandemic?

    Your guess is as good as mine, but these things are worth keeping in mind. It is our health and ultimately our lives on the line here based on one decision ‘made by you’, many thinking that the only reference is based on videos like this one to help you decide.

    Some blog by a random guy doesn’t do it, the government makes inventions that save us helmets seatbelt and air bags with knee caps too so shut up Karen just because some body was vaccinated and got autism doesn’t mean that it was the vaccines. Small pox was eradicated. Why, not because of essential oils but because of vaccines. OH YOU CAN’T FIND ENOUGH ARTICLES . Probably because there’s not enough evidence and the vaccines don’t have brain washing juice. I get my flu shots I’m healthy not dead
    Ok I’m done ranting

  6. Can some anti vaxxer tell me the SCIENTIFIC merit behind this movement not just money taking but how those chemicals are “harmful” and how chemicals could cause autism and how people can catch the gay

  7. What’s in a vaccine simple
    Chemicals mixed together that sound harmful but don’t take a great affect or mostly any affect
    So yeah Karen what you gonna say

  8. “ I didn’t get the vaccine and I’m healthy”
    Just because you don’t get in car crashes doesn’t mean you don’t need a seat belt

  9. Vaccines helped us so much it became the norm and we just stopped appreciating them Bc we didn’t know the vaccines were protecting us but we are too ignorant to see that vaccines ARE important and the main reason small pox is eradicated

  10. Comments here just show that natural selection is still possible. Many of you will be the first to get the vaccine against COVID-19. But please, continue trolling. It's amusing!

  11. To be fair, getting vaccinated protects other people a lot more than it does you. Think of that next time you’re around people! You could be the reason someone’s entire family dies because you wouldn’t get a shot, and don’t know how to live like a civilized person! People before 2020 wouldn’t understand the countless dead we’re burring now. Granted there’s not yet a vaccine for this virus, but all it takes is a mutation.

  12. omfg these people are scumbags. in the two weeks it takes you to get immunity, YOU CAN STILL GET THE FLU. BUT IF EVERYONE TAKES THE VACCINE WE'RE ALLSAFE. GTFO

  13. Needle phobic No way will i Ever Ever Ever do Needles. Vaccine Free and Refuse all medical care. i never had a Needle in my Life And Never Ever will for any Reason…

  14. What bullshit!! Just eat right, get rest, less stress, take Epicor, Smart Silver, Elderberry, Vit. C. These are the same people working with Bill Gates to depopulate the world. And they use aborted baby parts in the vaccines. 😡

  15. ok, you pro-vaxxers, question for you; if vaccines are that good how come vaccine master peddler Bill Gates does not vaccinate his children, nor does he vaccinate himself, nor is his wife vaccinated ?????????????

    Same goes with Rockerfellers, British royals, Henry Kissinger and George Soros. yet, they all want us to take the vaccines?

    Kissinger delivered a speech to a World Health Organization (WHO) council on eugenics in 2009 at which he declared that the first step in controlling populations was to get them to accept mandatory vaccinations. Following that step, people would accept forcible organ donation, genetically modified children, and mandatory sterilization.

    Your explanation please?

  16. Never taken a flu shot. I don’t get sick very often but once in a while I get the flu or the common cold. The cold last on me 4 to 5 days. And the flu about two weeks max. So take your flu shot and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

  17. Stop try to fool us pls u peo feel we all are silly trying to controll the world God have planted all our vaccines here on earth so be gone with your lies sorry for those who are brain was and allow u to fill their pockets

  18. A person can be a carrier of flu and have very mind symptoms. I have always been a carrier. They do not speak on this. Liars. They don't know what's in it. I WISH I HAD NEVER TAKEN THE FIRST ONE.

  19. Hellllll no. If I lived by their guide lines at any time in my life, I'd probably be dead by now, as the government is controlled by the food industry, insurance And drug companies.
    Why would I want to inject myself with a virus to skip the natural process. I haven't gotten the flu in years, when I get it, I get, but I'm not paying Jack shit for it.
    Stress is what causes your immune system to become susceptible and therefore the viruses come alive and can make you sick.

  20. Not getting it, the only times I gotten sick with the flu was a couple months after I got the flu vaccine. And the many years I refused to take the shot, I did not get sick once. No thank you, I’m not taking the shot, my health is important to me.

  21. All my friends are fucking"doctors" they will never believe this, they all think it's a scam or a conspiracy, I'm done with the human race.

  22. “You might feel a little run down after getting vaccinated because your immune systems is doing it’s job. It’s building antibodies against the virus” 🤔
    So if the flu shot doesn’t give you the flu then what virus is y’all putting in ppl bodies to have they immune system working so hard?

  23. Conform, obey, trust, die early.
    Your doctor doesn't even know what's in a flu shot unless he has a mass spectrometer and a degree in chemical biology

  24. Great, let’s Inject the queen of England and all her family first and then trump and his family

    Deal? … oh you don’t want too?

    I wonder why :/

  25. How much money is made off the flu and cold each winter from flu and cold medication manufactures? Almost enough for them to manufacture a new strain each year to make sure profits stay consistent?

  26. "Even if you've never been in a car accident, you still wear your seatbelt" only cause I don't wanna get pulled over lmao smh

  27. rush to put that shit in your body every damn year, maybe cure Flu 20% of the time, who knows what those ingredients will do to you later but we got a drug for that! AND then you can spend TONS of money in our for profit "healthcare" system DOH. #SlaveForLife #KeepYou$ick

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