EFFECT OF EXERCISE ON OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM- Can Exercise Boost Immunity Updated for 2024

Updated: May 12, 2024

JOIN OUR CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE https://bit.ly/2AnXgIy Physical exercise has numerous effects on the human body, including the immune system. Which was …


15 Comments on “EFFECT OF EXERCISE ON OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM- Can Exercise Boost Immunity Updated for 2024”

  1. Its a good thing they have caption since they always seem to put someone with a heavy intelligible accent that sound like they have food in their mouths as they speak

  2. Thanks! SENIORS need 2 walk more 4 good blood circulation. But they dont😣
    Seniors don't sit 2 long. Move around every hour. Work out side. Walk or move around in ur chair. U don't want blood clots. Drink ur water ALSO!

  3. Interesting but too much info from gov.
    God designed out bodies and they have a combination of good and bad bacteria, virus/s, germs, parasites —- millions living on our our outer skin and more inside our bodies and they work well until something foreign intefers with the nature of things, could be foreigng substance that affecs our bodies immune ability to eradicated foreign invaders

    washing hands more often than awakeing, after bathroom, before meals and after diry work is killing of the good bacteria on our skin which leads to all kinds of horrific conditions if you dont have enough good bacteria/virus to fight the SUPER BUGS. do a search and see what can happen with to much washing — what happens when we disturb the natural balance in any area of live our bodies or the world around us.

    The Poisoned Needle p96 – is the 1st book in the 25 book History of Vaccination series. pdf


    you will find in here how many times they tried to get a virus excretions etc to infect 100 healthy people and failed every time. Bacteria can be spread person to person but no Virus,, unless outside interference
    normal behaviour is eg, I upset on of the many virus in my body, and my immune system goes on the attack to remove the invader, if my immune system is working properly I might feel a little off to sick, and i could get cough, fever, sweats etc all signs that my body is attacking the contaminent, for removal I can help by drink lemon in hot water to incease sweats, dress extra warm and get into bed to increase sweats, also keep drinking fluids, and in this day instead of sleeping in sun and eating lemons we have the aid of vit C/D3,K2 and zinc, a couple of days of high dosge, and you r up and going

    Millions of people have overcome coronavirus which has been around for decades, it is listed in American journals of medical advice/encyclopedia as coronavirus = common cold in 1934 well before vaccines and pharamcy supplements.

    USA has bigger job because they eat very little good food, gmo, rubbish fast 'food' etc.
    but they can get there,

    we all have to stop living the instant live and start working and moving and eating real natural food.

    Thanks again, show is worded really simply and easy to understand. Blessings 🙂

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