Dr. Becker Discusses What to Look for in a Curcumin Supplement Updated for 2024

Updated: April 25, 2024

Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, can benefit your pet’s health in the same way it can benefit yours. Subscribe for the latest pet news and get recipes …


7 Comments on “Dr. Becker Discusses What to Look for in a Curcumin Supplement Updated for 2024”

  1. Thank you! I'm going to try this mixed with some cbd oil for missy over here <————- she's almost at 3 weeks past her "expiration" date. We've been doing B.S.S.T. the 8 ingredient essiac in liquid form and a some blood and system restore.

  2. My dog just got diagnosed with Epithelial Tropic Lymphoma. She is 15. I am going to try lumestine chemo treatment. What advice can you share with what I am dealing with. Anything that will stop the flaky skin?

  3. Thank you Dr. Becker, for so generously sharing your research and knowledge. I have a 9 yr old Jack chihuahua cross that was suddenly having episodes of collapse. Seizure’s of some sort that with many vet visits did not result in determining what the underlying cause was. An anti-seizure med was prescribed, but due to the possible side effects of the drug, I chose to try some alternative remedies first. Adding turmeric powder to her raw food was one. As I did some other things also, I don’t know how much of a role the turmeric had, but she has not had any seizures since (4 months now). I research constantly and recently have also started to wonder about what you mentioned at the end of this video regarding the source of turmeric, and how it may have been processed, as well as something that was new for me to hear about how a dogs digestive system may not be absorbing it! Would grating a small amount of fresh organic turmeric root perhaps be a better option, as well as be more readily absorbed? Also, in my research on turmeric for humans for its many health benefits, adding Pepperine ( as in black pepper) as well as a fat, is reported to enhance the absorption of it. I am wondering what your thoughts are on this for dogs.

  4. Sorry . I much prefer reading about something to watching a video, so I will be missing out on this one.

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