Coronavirus Epidemic Update 34: US Cases Surge, Chloroquine & Zinc Treatment Combo, Italy Lockdown Updated for 2024

Updated: April 9, 2024

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 34 with pulmonologist & critical care specialist Roger Seheult, MD of All of Italy is now in a lockdown …


22 Comments on “Coronavirus Epidemic Update 34: US Cases Surge, Chloroquine & Zinc Treatment Combo, Italy Lockdown Updated for 2024”

  1. Quercetin 500mg x2 day Zinc 15 to 20mg per, NAC 600mg a day with vitamin C and D3 talk with your doctors and see if any of them have concerns – available with out prescription , EGCG is as safe as quercetin, EGCG is in Green Tea! EGCG is a Ionophore.

  2. In recent interview Dr Zelenco says he learned about HCQ + ZINC mode of action by watching this medcram 34 video. this is a life saver !

  3. Well, the CDC seems to be redeeming themselves. Not like the Chinese puppets, the 'WHO', who lies to keep fooling us they're concerned about our lives. Be aware the Chinese never really changed their agenda from day-one. The Chinese Communist hierarchy still wants to rule the world. They want the WHO to keep them looking as innocent as a baby while they destroy our infrastructure.

  4. Thank you for the great detailed work.

    Not a political statement
    Not pro, not con
    We can't know what we don't try and try it properly.

    It's so sad this was made a political issue
    Up or down
    Right or left
    It's sad the Neros in our society have chosen politics over people.

    I keep trying to ask people
    If it's so dangerous, why is it never defined with numbers, instead of ADJECTIVES?
    If it's so dangerous, and has been taken for half a century, where is the data??
    It's WHO listed as an essential medication.
    WHO surveillance is in effect for it
    In half a century, it should have a very well defined risk.
    Where is that basal risk???

    Up or down
    I don't care
    Let's find the thing that has this thing's name on it, whatever that may be.
    Rant over

    I'm binge watching all these earlier videos.
    I've followed a different channel with a similar medical background, PhD in pathology, yup I fact checked his claim, but I want to see what a practicing physician is finding.

    Thank you for the clear unbiased teaching approach.

    Coronavirus inflammation is causing
    problems with a lack of smell which is a better predictor of having the
    infection than a fever. This is hard to believe but true. Blood clotting and
    skin inflammation are also indicative of a zinc deficiency and now the main
    source of dietary zinc in the US, red meat, is dwindling due to a supply chain
    problem. However, seafood is one of the best sources of zinc and many other
    essential minerals as well. Got Fish? No? Well go get some!

  6. It may turn out that SARS-CoV-2 is mitigated (once we understood all of its mechanism) by prophylactically by taking Vit-D, a zinc-ionophore and zinc, and NAC.

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