Coronavirus COVID-19 | Viral Structure & Pathogenesis Updated for 2024

Updated: May 6, 2024

Welcome to this video on the COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. In this tutorial we will discuss: – Structure of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and …


22 Comments on “Coronavirus COVID-19 | Viral Structure & Pathogenesis Updated for 2024”

  1. You can buy P100 half mask respirators online. About $35 to $40 bucks. Make sure the half mask comes with P100 (magenta color filters) otherwise, you need to buy filters separately. P100 filter cartridges provide near 100% virus filtration and if you are fit tested (a specialized leak test required by OSHA), then they do provide 100%.  Make sure the half mask fits you properly. A normal adult size face will be a large size.  Women might be a medium size.  The P100 filters are HEPA filters and they will last a very long time unless you're working in a very dusty environment. They should last at least a year or so but, you can buy a pair of new filters for about $15.  Wear it when you go into any public building. It will save your life. Make sure you are clean shaven (no beards or stubble) otherwise, the mask will not seal to your face and virus can get through. Perform a positive and negative pressure check on the respirator when you first put it on (this is a basic self-seal check you can research online to ensure proper sealing). These respirators have been designed and researched by NIOSH for decades and they are required by OSHA. You can make and attach a simple, loose cloth cover for the exhalation valve to prevent coughing droplets from being released. Use caution if you have pre-existing respiratory health issues as wearing a respirator does add some resistance to normal breathing but you will find half mask respirators to be very comfortable and much easier to breathe through and cooler than most masks and face coverings because of the exhaust valve.  Make sure to keep your respirator clean inside using sanitary wipes and make sure the membrane valves are taken care of and are not damaged because they can tear easily. Store your respirator in a Ziploc bag.  Do not share your respirator with others.  Half mask respirators can be completely dismantled and cleaned but this only needs to be done occasionally.

  2. I would like to say this video and the professor explanation is more than perfect. I am a doctor and I’d like to add my story here. I had all this mechanism and at the end I got ARDS(chest pain and difficulty in breathing) and I was on vent and inotropes. All my chest X-ray was like white clouds, I got Covid-19 with the first sign and symptoms are abdominal pain , tenderness in abdomen , loss of appetite, vomit and then severe headache with high grade fever, PLZ note: many doctors confuse it with acute appendicitis and it’s clinical picture is like that but actually no because in Acute appendicitis there’s no high grade fever like 103 F• or 104F•c most important thing you should know there’ll be itchy viral rash and some doctors miss it with drug reaction but actually it’s typical Presentation of Covid and maybe you’ll also get hand and foot syndrome. Severity goes on and I got ARDS( difficult in breathing) then I was on vent and some positive inotropes to get my normal BP. Thanks to God it took like one month in ICU to recovery fully but it’s steady. I wasn’t expecting that I’ll get second life but I’m grateful to my God , Doctors and all family members sincere prayers. One thing I want to add here it Covid is very different in everyone I even didn’t had any cough. So don’t wait for cough if you develop any sign do directly PCR and Covid SARS -2 antibodies test. Most important is supportive care and to maintain oxygen saturation, BP and some main vitals and low the D-Dimers etc . The rest of imbalances will get recover soon as some antiviral drugs recommended by WHO which weakens or break the proteins of the virus. This is my own story and now I’m like normal person got recovered totally so no worries be strong and everything will be fine.

  3. Needless to have an intermediate
    host to jump to humans! a paper in 2012 found SARS-like virus in bats that can bind to ACE II receptor

  4. This video is pertaining to a person who has the virus, and his or her immune system is comprised of another infectious pathogen.
    Now, people need to understand asystematic and systematic, and his or her blood type. Not all can become infectious to these respiratory acute and chronic conditions.
    Plus, there are Normal Floras' on the skin of a person, which can also cause some Flu-like systems. If the skin is exposed to certain issues like SARS-CoV- 2.
    Not all surfaces can harbor infectious miro-organisms. This video is just a tutorial on the virus. Certain face mask won't prevent a person from contacting the gem.
    Damn, try living your lives, be safe, and stay clean, not paranoid.

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