Apple cider vinegar and Turmeric: My results Updated for 2024

Updated: April 6, 2024


31 Comments on “Apple cider vinegar and Turmeric: My results Updated for 2024”

  1. I put in tumeric, apple cider, ginger, lemon juice, clamato juice, celery salt, tabasco, Worcestershire sauce..tastes like a virgin caesar…then the rest of the day I put apple cider, lemon juice and water.

  2. You should be weighing yourself first thing in the morning. Try turmeric tea bags sold by Bigelow. It is so good. Add a bit of honey and lemon juice. Separately, add a shot of apple cider vinegar to Topo chico and a touch of lemon or lime juice and drink that. Easier to down.

  3. Don’t eat anything Fried eat salad and vegetables don’t eat bread don’t eat rice no junk food…… eat snacks between foods no junk food!!!!!!!!!!!! No chips no nothing no chocolate no cakes zero salt

  4. Been doing it about 3 years or so but using a variety. Ive eliminated much inflammation from my bad knees. Its almost like a new set. I lost over 1.5 inches on my neck alone. My doctor couldnt believe it.
    ACV, lemon juice, pomegranate juice, raw local honey, sorghum syrup, turmeric, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, garlic powder, beet powder. In the 90s I worked weights a lot and did plenty of cardio but didnt lose the body fluids. I do lighter cardio via the stationary bike and not so heavy weights these days. Just enough for good strength. I never did this kind of nutritional health before. As with anything make sure whats chosen doesnt have bad interactions with any meds. Yep, at some point you have to try and see what works over time. Health tops anything. Im not stopping. Good luck.

  5. You want to go to the bathroom every day or twice a day to get everything you ate out of your system exercise drink a lot of water and keep up the routine don’t stop after one week that’s not enough

  6. I lose 100 lbs in one year by just using ACV and Honey with each meal… I put it in a glass of warm water, but the more the water the more it dilutes it so it don't taste so bad… Plus I've tried flavored green tea and coconut oil to it helps with the flavor… plus both are good for you to, but you have to use the right coconut oil, not just any coconut oil is good for you… The Drink helps keep my pain down it my back and joints to… I started the drink in 2015 and still drink it 3 or 4 times a day…

  7. Drinking that, Intermittent fasting, a healthy consistent diet, lots of water and exercise will definitively have you losing weight. Especially intermittent fasting. Although I’m trying to gain weight, intermittent fasting has so many other health benefits and has helped me tremendously. You will lose the weight if you fast. Your skin looks beautiful as well. Good luck !!!

  8. Something tells me you kept eating and much more then you were supposed too because drinking that stuff ALONE and not eating makes you lose ALOT OF WEIGHT.

  9. For stomach reflux, try adding Ginger to it. Ginger is awesome for reflux. Or you can even add ginger in your water bottle you'd be surprised of the amazing results.

  10. I have tried it for 2 weeks. I lost a few pounds, but what I really noticed is that I lost inches around my belly. I couldn't even wear my pants anymore week later I tried my blue jeans Hallelujah I feel so comfortable with him now. But my joint pain is almost gone. I'm going to keep on trying it see what happens.

  11. Did you try changing your eating habits as well? That’s really the key to detox and loosing weight, you should try OMAD (one meal a day) with this drink. No snacking. In addition to your workout. And trust me girl, you will see a difference. Keep me posted 😊 gorg skin btw

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