ANTH – Medicine (Official Video) ft. Conor Maynard Updated for 2024

Updated: May 16, 2024

CHECK OUT MY NEW SONG Stream and Download ‘Medicine’ ▷ Lyrics: …


42 Comments on “ANTH – Medicine (Official Video) ft. Conor Maynard Updated for 2024”

  1. Not many people know this, but I actually come from a very broken home. All my life, I saw my parents fight, scream, cry, break things, sleep in different rooms, leave for months at a time, and I never understood it as a child. I used to see all of my friends with happy parents and see the love that they shared and I remember wishing my parents could one day be that way. Once I grew up, I was old enough to understand that my mother and father were completely toxic for one another. It wasn’t until I reached my adult life that they finally divorced after 40 years. I often wonder, had they realized sooner that they were too toxic for one another, could they have spared myself and my brothers and sisters a lot of pain. The music video for my new single #Medicine depicts two couples that should’ve made the same realization before it was too late 🖤

  2. you made me cry as i saw my end ..i know exactly that feeling as it is my life .i hope they divorce before i kill myself

  3. This song hit me so hard. I'm in a abusive relationship. I'm actually just healing right now. I can't walk. I have a son and I don't want my son to see me like this anymore. 💔

  4. When me too young, i meet with this problem too, i want kill yourself because i bored see my parents fight everyday 😭😭😭😭

    It's make me cry when watch this song

  5. Perfect script, dope acting, spectacular voice but it didn't got any billboard ranking cause these days peoples are busy in watching nude and trash hip hop songs.

  6. Am 12 and when I younger my dad was very abusive to mom and me and my sister and one dad when I was 11 my dad killed himself and his bestfriend because He was trying to protect my mom and my sister and me

  7. My parents divorced when I was 6 months old. My dad would physically and mentally abuse my mum. He said he wanted a son but I was born (he got me and I’m a woman). My mum has to change my name as the name he wanted was horrible. He tried adding me as a friend on Facebook and I blocked him. He made another account and tried again and would call me by the name that I don’t go by. I found out he had an affair behind my mums back and is raising the little girl that came from that over me. When I found this out I attempted suicide for the first and only time. I couldn’t cope with this so I know how this feels. It hurts a lot. I still have the scars from my self harm and from when I tried to kill myself. Not proud but I’m alive now and don’t regret my choice.

  8. This was totally my home life growing up. I left hope at 15 to get away from the toxic bullshit I couldn't handle it anymore. Props u guys for making a great song and video. So many kids are to scared to ask for help in situations like this they need to know they can tell someone if they are uncomfortable in there home. Great job love it.❤❤

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