6 Popular "Home Remedies" That Don't Actually Work Updated for 2024

Updated: May 4, 2024

Studies have found that even some of the most well-known home remedies don’t work, and sometimes they do more harm than good. Hosted by: Stefan Chin …


27 Comments on “6 Popular "Home Remedies" That Don't Actually Work Updated for 2024”

  1. I treat bad burns at home (I work with a blowtorch to melt glass to make beads) by coating the burn with vitamin E. Burns that hurt for days, when treated with vitamin E taken out of vitamin capsules, will be almost painless by the next day. Plus less scarring. Works on sunburns too with less swelling and less peeling.
    Funny thing is I have gotten worse burns from cooking than while working with the blowtorch.

  2. as an edit theres a company in Seattle that can cure lice in about an hour. they use heat and a dehydrator. they say its painless fast and they guarantee their work. just incase anyone wanted to know

  3. The tea bag thing doesn’t work for pink eye itself it just soothes the pain, that’s why it’s not that bad, but if you get seasonal allergies yea bags can help.

  4. When i was 16 i had head lice and they all died when i relaxed my hair. I put petroleum on my head to protect my skin from the treatment and still, it instantly killed all of them.

  5. The Study on Honey isn't how the "Home Remedy" of Honey is supposed to work. Honey is supposed to prevent allergies from occurring in the first place, not after allergies have already occurred. To find out if Honey works to prevent allergies, you would have to look at a large population of people to see if people who eat honey are less likely to develop allergies.

  6. One thing we always did when we got lice was bleach and die our hair. It makes it fun for kids and also prevents you from getting lice again since they can't survive on the died/bleached hair. We were often the only kids in our area who didn't get lice because as soon as anyone mentioned having lice we died our hair (we have brown and black hair so we always bleached it first) and combined with the drug store lice treatments it was so much more bearable.

  7. For head lice… my abusive father used to pour kerosene on my head. Once it started burning, he would set a timer for 30 minutes. I lost hair and had chemical burns… but no lice.

  8. first few seconds, this guy is a nice change from Joe but he has no conception that "home remedies" basically don't cost much, as a very large number of people in the USA don't have access to treatment without paying…
    hmmm which is everywhere – paying premiums are they called?
    every month: the monthly health-care plan costs
    in britain it comes out of taxes and almost all of it goes to the Big Pharma companies that dominate things like the British Parliament, and the NHS which is ALL PAID FOR by the British Govt is all "nationalised" means
    and all who sail in the british parliament eg the racist state of israel, created by them

  9. Using vinegar for head lice was never about killing the lice, and a vinegar rinse was often recommended by school nurses, after each of the 2 required treatments with an insecticide based shampoo. The purpose of the vinegar rinse is to weaken the bonds of the nits (eggs) to the hair shaft, making it faster and easier to comb them out, leaving less eggs behind to hatch and reinfect a person. It's also so a child would be able to pass a head inspection by the school nurse, required in order for them to return to schools that have a "no nits" policy. (if the school nurse finds a single nit on any child, that child must be sent home for lice treatment and nit removal)
    Your video did not address this and did not offer any proof that it doesn't help in nit removal, and missed the whole point of using the vinegar, mistaking it as something people think kills lice. Now, if you want to debunk the idea of vinegar being helpful with removing nits, please do have a go at that, and present your evidence that a solution of 5% acetic acid (aka vinegar) can't dissolve or weaken the glue-like substance that lice use to attach their eggs to hair shafts.

  10. Lice is killed fast when you soak your head with rubbing alcohol and rap in a towel wet with it for an hour then rinse and can use some conditioner. This dissolves the eggs glue and kills the lice. I used this method on all my kids and myself and it works every time.

  11. All medical research is carried out by people who have a vested financial interest in proving home remedies wrong. Of course I readily admit that many home remedies REALLY DON'T work and can make things worse, 100%. But I'm wary of anyone who appeals to the authority of the pharmaceutical industry as absolute. It is NOT in the best interest of pharmaceutical companies for ANY ailment to be solved entirely, because they make money off us being sick!
    The medical industry IGNORES the ENTIRE ORGAN of the innate immune system, which is involved in basically every bodily process. They refuse to acknowledge that the innate immune system can ever malfunction, and they refuse to develop tools and methods of measuring innate immune system dysfunction. The medical system FAILS TONS OF US. That's why home remedies are such a large phenomenon.
    Women and people of color basically get LAUGHED AT by doctors, and not any real treatment – or even basic belief, or even respect. Doctors, like cops, see civilians as "sheeple." Doctors see patients as an OBSTACLE to their own treatment. Most doctors fundamentally assume that NOTHING the patient has to say is relevant or important.

  12. I had headlice when I was pregnant . I was not about to put pesticides in my hair with very little research available on what it does to a developing fetus. So I picked a bunch of lice from my head and put them in different jars to started to experiment different things. I tried vinegar, baking soda , citronella oil , eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil in different jars to see what would kill them.

    Vinegar and baking soda only worked together, separately they didn't work. It was the endothermic reaction that killed them.

    citronella and lavender oil did nothing.

    Tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil killed them.

    So, I made a paste with tea tree oil , eucalyptus oil and baking soda, put the paste all over my hair overnight and then in the morning i rinsed with vinegar. It burned so bad, it was not fun, it killed the top layer of my skin on my scalp. It also killed all the lice and the eggs on the first try. So it is possible to kill lice with home remedies.

  13. When I was young I got a nosebleed. So I started to head inside to get tissue, and a slightly older guy in my daycare grabbed my nose and tilted my head back suddenly. I quickly started to cough and actually panicked so hard that I could finish walking into the daycare until one of the adults came to help.

  14. It's a weird way to start and end. Neither the first or the last will do any harm (they will just do nothing, except if you have an allergy), but some of the other WILL KILL YOU. So the order seems whacky xDD
    Great video tho!

  15. I had chronic nose bleeds as a kid. Anytime someone suggested I tilt my head back, I'd ask them where they wanted me to puke. Vomiting blood, just once, was enough to scar me 😂

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