How vaccines train the immune system in ways no one expected | Christine Stabell Benn | TEDxAarhus Updated for 2024

Updated: May 4, 2024

Vaccines do much more than protect against the disease they are designed for. Watch this talk from TEDxAarhus 2018 by medical doctor and professor in global …


37 Comments on “How vaccines train the immune system in ways no one expected | Christine Stabell Benn | TEDxAarhus Updated for 2024”

  1. Thanks for putting up the video now you convinced me the vaccines are bad in general thanks the more I listened the more I know how this works, this is a bad idea lol stay away

  2. "TRAINING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM"??? It is more than obvious she has no idea what is immunity, what is immune system, what is a human BE-ing, what is physiology, what human body consist of and many, many other things like that. She's nothing but a parrot, instructed, certified and authorized to do what she is doing.

  3. The comment section covers so much already. Its comforting to see the public recognizing reality now. In the United States we know now that: vaccine manufacturers have no liability since 1986 NCVIA because industry essentially needed a government bailout due to the incoming vaccine injury lawsuits which were indebting them, immune deficiency and neurological deficiency rates have shot up in correlation with an ever expanding vaccine schedule (2018 Age: birth-18yrs – 72 doses as per the CDC), and the Government has paid out $4.5 Billion in vaccine injuries even with vast under reporting in VAERS (so there is a problem right?). Vaccine safety is questioned especially after you find out that testing is not performed as a double blind placebo: vaxxed vs unvaxxed. Vaccine manufacturers get away with this because vaccines are listed as Biologics instead of a Medicine which allowed, for example, the Guardasil vaccine to destroy so many lives. There is a revolving door between industry and government to keep this gold rush moving. Last year the top 5 vaccine manufacturers brought in roughly $6Billion in profits each or $30Billion to industry as a whole. You want parents to stop having "vaccine hesitency?" Take the profits out of medicine, make the vaccine industry liable for all damages, remove incentives given to doctors/practices/hospitals for enforcing vaccines, remove Pharma lobbyists who out spend oil/gas 2 to 1, remove the revolving door between government and industry and then we can have a conversation. How many CDC whistleblowers and industry witnesses do we need to move forward here? It is so disheartening to know that the one area of life we need to be trustworthy of has played the worst deception on humanity in history.

  4. Why does dead corps extractions, RNA from animals and heavy metals put into your body helps your body? Vaccines are fake and only makes people sick or die from it. It is only for the money.

  5. The woman is a liar!! Its a fact that polio was 80% eradicated BEFORE vaccines were made for it. They just take credit for a disease that was well on its way out b4 they targeted. And where is her proof that vaccines are good for overall health. There is no justication for mercury to be put into vaccines. Mothers are tested for Hepatis B whilst pregnant so the new born baby does not need immunisation agaisnt it. I could go on and on! So much lies told this woman should be prosecuted!!!

  6. Conflict on interest. Stop trying to play God and let babies' immune systems develop naturally instead of poisoning them. Oh but wait there's no profit in that is there?

  7. In the meantime they didn't change the protocol, in other words, they killed hundreds of children… how bad and sad!

  8. This video is correct in what it is saying about vaccines and I'm really surprised that more did not already know all of this already. As I was taught all of this many years ago. This is why I support the polio vaccine and others, and am opposed to the flu vaccine. I don't understand why this is not accepted as it has been known for over 250 years.

  9. Listen to Dr. Rashid Buttar on YouTube or on Advanced Medicine he talks about newborns immune system is not functioning until around 6 months so it is ridiculous to give newborns vaccines.

  10. Yes here are the results of a vaccine study Results
    Among 3–5-month-old children, having received DTP (± OPV) was associated with a mortality hazard ratio (HR) of 5.00 (95% CI 1.53–16.3) compared with not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children.

  11. So here's some more Bill Gates propaganda… Don't be such a creep..
    Feed the pharma mafia some more, will you?

    Our immune system rules until you mess it up, not to mention your reckless choices of preservatives, like Mercury and Formaldehyde.

  12. Apparently she is getting paid handsomely by big pharma or Bill Gates. I believe she is lying through her teeth. Just listen to Dr. Judy Mikovitz! She lost everything because she refused to cover up her research findings.

  13. REPORT THIS VIDEO! The video promotes use of toxic chemicals via injection. The entire video puts positive spin on toxins and dangerous chemicals in vaccines, which have no medical backing — only propaganda from CDC (a Bill Gates funded company). Vaccines cause autism (FACT) and also SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). REPORTED!

  14. Basically if you're going to vaccinate your children you're far better off going with live vaccines than dead vaccines, which if you're going to go with live vaccines the question arises why not just allow your children get sick naturally over the course of their childhood rather than dump diseases into them as a baby, but it looks like the antivaccine community was correct when they said traditional vaccines are harmful to the health of our children, and you're better off allowing the body to fight off real infections naturally.

  15. This is scary in so many levels…….Children (people) are dying even though we could save them. But by doing that, we become to many people in the world !!. In a hundred years (mayby before), we might be living the movie Elysium. Some people say…I hope when I die, that I´ll come back in some form……well me, I hope that I DONT !

  16. Of course we know who disliked this video. Nurses and Doctors whose livelihood depend on injecting children and making them sick for life, clients for Big Pharma for life. They can't come to terms with the truth and resort to rejecting it.

  17. Vaccines…aluminium, mercury, formaldehyde, aborted baby tissue, animal tissue, etc…NO THANKS!!!

  18. We have an amazing immune system that doesn't need any additional training, it trains itself when exposed to bacteria and virus. We survived on this planet for thousands of years without vaccines. So we don't need those poisons in us now.

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