5 Delightful Color-Changing Minerals Updated for 2024

Updated: April 2, 2024

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25 Comments on “5 Delightful Color-Changing Minerals Updated for 2024”

  1. Your videos lack interesting, relevant visuals. I don't want to see your dumb face. I want to see the really neat minerals you're talking about, this is just like the last video I watched. It was a video on 5 types of pretty color glass. Each example had just two or three still photos and the rest of the time I was left watching the narrators uninteresting face. Get a clue SchiShow.

  2. Racist as hell rocks – have cracks – because they are crack rocks 🙂 like what Creepy Sleepy Corrupt Joe Biden's son "WHERE'S HUNTER" <– his new name! got kicked out of the US MILITARY for – and the pipe – one of many he uses – when he is getting hookers pregnant – he left in a rent a car he used to rent the hooker and smoke that crack rock out of that glass d*ck – anyone else – PRISON – but "Where's Hunter" is special – crack rock democrat special 🙂

  3. Idk how this relates but my godson and I accidentally (thru science ) found out that rainbow bismuth crystals and UV LIGHT don’t/do particularly mix… depending on your color preferences

  4. Corundum is given two names, Rubies are exclusively red, but it can be any shade. And Sapphires are any color except red. The only grey area is if corundum is a pink Sapphire or a pink Ruby. But that depends on if you're buying it selling.

  5. Rogerly Flourite, I do not believe its pleochroic however it has an amazing fluorescent quality in UV light and can shift colors as well as glow

  6. You forgot "Tenebrescence" "Triboluminescence" "Phosphorescence" "Flouresence" "Cathodoluminescence" and and "Thermoluminescence" Just "Tenebrescence" is interesting enough for its own video… Look up Hackminite, Sodalite, Scapolite, Spoudamine, Chamileon Diamonds ETC… People Even manipulate some of these stones with different types of man made Radiation to increase their sales value….. Do I sense another Video coming on??? 🙂

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