The 1918 Pandemic: The Deadliest Flu in History Updated for 2024

Updated: May 6, 2024

The science behind why the 1918 flu is “the mother of all pandemics” continues to challenge scientists today. Olivia sheds some light on why this flu was so …


36 Comments on “The 1918 Pandemic: The Deadliest Flu in History Updated for 2024”

  1. We are dealing with a major pandemic in 2020 that has similar symptoms to 1918 Influenza, but is caused by a variant of the SARS coronavirus instead of an Influenza virus. It is called CoViD-19 and is an extremely aggressive, newly discovered strain of SARS coronavirus. It's scientific name is called SARS-CoV-2, but is also given some very inappropriate and racist names like "Wuhan Virus," "Kung-Flu," and "Chinese Virus" from America's 45th President. Note: "Wuhan Virus" and "Wuhan Pneumonia" were early terms originally used by the Chinese government to describe the Novel Coronavirus (aka 2019-nCoV [another scientific term for the new virus]) and its symptoms.

  2. All these Pandemic Flues are still with us, and they have hundred's if not thousands of these 'virus's waiting in Labs to come forward and take its turn! Why on earth don’t we demand Viruses like the Obama/Biden 2009 Presidency "SWINE FLUE" which started, and became a Deadly World Pandemic, why we are not demanding to be incinerated? But Listen to this?…Why then did they take that deadly Virus, and the authorization to proceed at the end of the Obama/Biden Presidency in 2014 (the Swine Flue Virus), why was it allowed to be taken, and Genetically altered by Professor Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka, who took the Swine Flue Virus and Genetically altered it into a more Deadlier insane Super Virus with no known Vaccine, and now feared if it ever escaped out of the lab would kill upwardly of a Billion plus people??… Now.. what on earth do we need Such a life ending Virus like that in Labs??? What purpose do these virus serve??? And why no outrage, and Demand that such Virus like this Altered Swine Flue, and the other of thousand of Viruses brought out of deep remote locations of earth, which Viruses would never have seen the light of day, or ever made contact with man, but have been brought into the labs and altered, and have been made more deadly with no Vaccines available, and conservatively feared could kill upwardly of Billions of people plus if they escape???? Now what on Hell's earth are these Viruses purpose? And why are these Viruses allowed to be Genetically Altered, and made into Super Viruses??? Why are people not angry, and insist these allowed Obama, Bush, Clinton, and other Administration's, and Global Governments and other's who have been, and are engaged in Genetically Altering and holding world ending Super Viruses ….Why are we not shouting these Viruses that serve no other purpose but to end Life on Earth….Why are we not yelling, and demanding these Viruses….."""BE INCINERATED""…!!!!

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