Sohla Makes Cinnamon-Date Sticky Buns | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit Updated for 2024

Updated: May 1, 2024

Join Sohla El-Waylly in the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen as she makes cinnamon-date sticky buns. Instead of the usual brown sugar and butter filling, the fluffy …


30 Comments on “Sohla Makes Cinnamon-Date Sticky Buns | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit Updated for 2024”

  1. My heart goes out to all the BIPOC members of the BA Test Kitchen who have been wronged by the disgusting practices of their employers

  2. The Butterfinger video brought me here. Because Sohla is really refreshing. Like, seeing her be so chill, and go with the flow – while still paying attention to detail and cooking made me feel good! It was really nice cause even though I love claires videos, they can kind of be stressful and anxiety-inducing 😂

  3. "are you happy with it"
    "yeah I'm happy with it"
    "that's not very convincing"
    she literally said that she didnt want to make these but they realed her in.

  4. She's basically has the experience and expertise on the technical sides of cooking especially tempering chocolate which some of the staff don't even know how to temper a chocolate considering they make dessert using chocolate in a lot of their videos.

  5. I am so sad we won't see Sohla anymore. I also feel guilty that I'm the 1,569,926th view of this video and she doesn't get a penny and CN gets it all. Sigh. Wherever you go, Sohla, I'll follow!

  6. When Sohla came to BA she was such a breathe of fresh air, she was laid back, yet informative, always bright and just generally understanding of the audience. Not to mention the MOST creative of the BA members; whoever decided she doesnt deserved to be paid good shomeny might have just murdered the future of BA video.

  7. She needs to start her own YouTube show. A go fund me so we can help with the camera and shooting equipment at the start and start a YouTube career then when she gets 10 million subs we all celebrate

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