COVID-19 Insights: COVID-19 (by SARS-COV-2/Coronavirus) Signs, Symptoms and Management Updated for 2024

Updated: April 30, 2024

Diseases lasts 2 weeks on average in 81% of the population In 14% that become serious it can go on from 2 weeks to 6 weeks in 5% critical cases it can go from …


38 Comments on “COVID-19 Insights: COVID-19 (by SARS-COV-2/Coronavirus) Signs, Symptoms and Management Updated for 2024”

  1. Can you guys it’s almost been 5 months since it got real bad. These crazy times are going to make some harden people the weak won’t survive.

  2. Have you watched the movie "V for Vendetta"? 2020, yelliw covd, quaretine, curfew, lab made virus to "wipe out the population but leave the wealth intact." The moal of the movie is stop the fear. If you are not afraid you will be free.
    Fear causes the lungs to expand. Remaining in a state of fear damages the lungs. Also, aspertame poisoning has the same symptoms.

  3. i would like everyone to know about this vital information and to reach everyone as possible as i can reach. My aunt, age 54, who had earlier announced to us that she tested positive, with mild symptoms and in self isolation at home, just called to inform us that she had become negative of the corona-virus.

    She disclosed what she did while in isolation in order to become negative after earlier testing positive. She said she put in more effort to boost her immunity in isolation by regularly exercising on a treadmill. In boosting her immunity, she said she got in contact with Dr Kpomosa on Facebook who suggested she consumed Vitamin C, Carrots and black-seed oil and also mixed his herbal extract prepared with honey. She also disclosed to us that the , Pharmacologist and a Traditional herbal doctor(Dr Kpomosa) said "look, I am going to send to you this herbal formula to be taken with black seed oil mixed with pure honey and turmeric , it boosts immunity". She said she did as he directed, and few days later, she tested negative.

    We are all very excited and happy for her. She said there might be very potent local solutions to boost overall immunity against COVID-19, but it depends on the willingness and courage of not narrowing down the treatment options open to us like that of Madagascar , and that alternative ( Herbal treatment) regimen can also be a life safer if people are well informed about them. As i share this with you, myself and my family are using same strategy to overcome this unfortunate situation. You can reach out to the Herbal Doctor for other health situation that seems impossible to cure, believe me there is a cure to every illness. for help/advice you reach Dr.kpomosa on Facebook Page "Dr. Kpomosa home of relief". Get more information on how you can boost your immune system to be very strong against all kind of virus and illness.

  4. Should woman that are pregnant aborts child with this many side affects complications when getting vaccine isn't India very informed with Flu's and fevers there

  5. Reading the article found in the Georgetown cov 19 report, it states that usa is the only area where all five strains of viruses are and where the virus genes are spliced to create this tailor made bio weapon. It was designed to be resistant if not possible to vaccinate and target those over 40 but may mutate with time. Ask cia, fda, NIID mil. Its there baby and Dr Fauci and parteners paid for it long before Trump.

  6. We do know that this virus has a week to two week incobation period. High fever, dry cough, difficulty breathing and systems like flu but if it is, its critical to get help.

  7. My body started feeling weird on July 16th, just body aches.. Is that something to worry about. should I isolate. I also have a 5 yr old with me at home. she is showing no symptoms..


    SEE A COMMENT BY THIS VIDEO… EVERYTHING ABOUT "HOW TO BE SAVE BY COVID 19… <<>> hm… Sits fearful God in Brazil somewhere and thinks – "I am small by tis Christianity..?" Unfortunately – Christianity periodically is in this trouble – in the wish to see You like such somebody Else by The God. Then, when due the various past's thinking – She is starting to negate "Anything in The Kind of Somebody Else…" The Any Other World, the every authors or people, who are in the hope to get the miracles… O.K. When few moths ago I do shared similar prompts (like it is in the comment by my placed video) – Every Youtubers in theme "I have Covid 19" were Chinese (the perfect free minded Hong Kong's guys basically)… Nah – and few pairs of the tourists from U.K., who became into the prisiners in cruise ships by China… Today – this "population with Covid 19" is the very large… Sometimes – they are "the too much Brazilians.." (hysterical Christians with their "I am small..?!)… Nah… but – I will try to do this miracle with Your help again with this sharing to each such Youtuber… <<>> BY THIS – HERE… Is Covid 19 such viruse (such viruses ae known for the canalizations cleaners) who can to use a Soap..? Is Coviod 19 such viruse, which expansion (wish to achieve "the another place") grows, if grows the light..? Is Covid 19 such viruse, which aggression grows, if an air is the very dry..? <<>> Unfortunately in spectacles of WHO we can to see the mushrooms only, who disagree, that do not exist the questions without answers… ALTHOUGH AN EACH CASE, IN AN ANSVER TO THOSE 3 MY QUESTIONS is Yes – shows, that medicine in healing Covid 19 sometimes is working as troubles developer only (the dry lugs ventilating, the big lights using in hospitals for the patients watching, the ANY hands hygiene's offers and so one).

  9. Sir im having 99.2 temp since 4 days only in the evenings..and very mild sore throat i keep having on and off in normal life also..what can be the differential diagnosis?

  10. So people can be transports Who can pass this virus to others but not know they have the virus. Would it not be better to keep a lockdown until they can kill this virus. they lifted the lockdown a week ago. now more people as this virus even new born baby have die from it. School kids die from this virus What about pubs and cafes they like care homes more people walk in and out of pubs and cafes than any care homes This virus will spread worse then ever Its your love ones you are taking it home to the Government not bothered they just after the working TAX PAYER MONEY They not bothered who die as long as money coming in

  11. im 6 weeks in and the symptoms arent going anywhere, comes in cycles, symptoms i had right at the start have came back again, its like a cycle that wont end, its like your immune system recognises the virus for a while then stops, then recognises it again, then stops, and it goes on like this

  12. Thanks Doctor! Can I have just the dry cough and a bit of shortness of breath with no fever and have covid19? Is the fever a definite symptom?

  13. doc i clearly felt some food went into my breathing hole after that i feel some fever headache and dizzeness for 5 days no coughing no throat pain is there any corona virus???

  14. I found this online regarding the use of masks….I didn't know they could be so dangerous; Read below a part of the article.
    If you are interested in being healthy, please understand
    that wearing a mast can actually endanger your health.

    According to many doctors and biologist, our respiratory
    system; nostrils , lungs, require a constant source of fresh air in order to
    maintain health. If we are breathing in our
    own exhaled gases we will become sick.
    This happens because we breathe
    in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

    The carbon dioxide produced is a waste product and needs to
    be removed. Just like oxygen, carbon
    dioxide is transferred to blood to be carried to the lungs, where it is removed
    and we breathe it out. This is important because if we couldn’t remove carbon dioxide from our blood, it would take up all the carrying capacity of our blood and we wouldn’t be able to get oxygen to the rest of our body. This is another reason you breathe heavier when
    exercising — you produce carbon dioxide faster and need to get it out of your
    body to make room for more oxygen.

    When you wear a mask, a high
    concentration of carbon dioxide can displace oxygen in the air that you are breathing. If less oxygen is available to breathe, symptoms such as rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, clumsiness, emotional upsets and fatigue can result. As less oxygen becomes available,
    nausea and vomiting, collapse, convulsions, coma and death can occur.

  15. If someone has vomiting occasionally for two days, mild fever, and then on 3rd day suddenly feels breathlessness and chest pain. He is treated with saline and medications. But should go for Covid 19 testing?

  16. I'm having sore/dry throat along with fever from 99F to 101F since yesterday but no cough at all. Do you think I'll be having COVID? Or should I go for the Corona test? Your advise would appreciated.

  17. Meanwhile I am here, classified as 'mild' covid at the start of March with symptoms still going on at the end of June. Any update on the understanding of long lasting 'mild' infections?

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