How Viruses Work – Molecular Biology Simplified (DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis) Updated for 2024

Updated: April 30, 2024

Learn or review basic molecular biology to understand how viruses work with illustrations from Dr. Seheult of See our first 25 videos …


36 Comments on “How Viruses Work – Molecular Biology Simplified (DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis) Updated for 2024”

  1. So DNA encodes which proteins have to be made. But then how do these new proteins "get to the right place"? How can DNA only define an organism when it only encodes which proteins have to be made?

  2. What I'm trying to understand, which I have not seen a simple animation of, is how can a person have a virus with all these changes going on within the cell , and be asymptomatic? Can you please make a simple animated video showing what goes on with the cell when someone is asymptomatic, and explain how one can have their cells making viruses, and not be sick. I've been looking for a visual explanation on the molecular level like this to explain this because it really makes no sense to me. How can one just carry a virus, and not feel it's effects with it changing the cells, and if it doesn't change the cells in asymptomatic then how does it replicate?

  3. Excellent explanation. I'm an engineer but the way Dr. Seheult explained everything I had no problem understanding the process. Most people have an image of a virus as something that will annihilate them once they come in contact with them.
    Thank You doctor for taking the time to share this knowledge with us regular people.

  4. He just summed up 1 semester of immunology class back in the day when I was in med school…at the time it didn’t seem so simple or clear !!! 🙂

  5. Am I the only one that feels like this didn’t answer any of my questions regarding viruses? It’s a good preliminary video to understanding all the things it did talk about, but they shouldn’t have labeled it as how viruses work because they barely even explained any of that. You have to watch other videos to get into that.

  6. Hi sir! Thank u so much for the information. Just wanna ask… if coronavirus' spike is made of protein, and the spike helps the virus to invade the process of replicating the cell, is it possible for us to kill the virus by breaking the protein using a strong base such as salt? I mean, does a saline water be effective in killing the virus? I would also want to ask if it's true that an extreme heat can kill the virus. If so, can we breath in the vapor of a heated water with salt? I'm just curios. I don't know much about biology but i just thought this might be possible. Hope you would notice and if i may get an answer back. Thank u Dr. 😊

  7. Is God particle in our DNA on a molecular level this is why nanotechnologies or so dangerous think about it people God genetic code and God breathed the breath of life and Adam and he became a living soul molecular structure.Your DNA cannot be changed but RNA Can be manipulated with

  8. So sir, this is like the normal cycle of human cells to regenerate that supports growth, healing, skin shed and replacenent, muscle growth, etc.. and viruses alters this normal cycle into regenerating virus cells rather than human cells. Please correct me…

  9. Dr Seheult why do viruses do what they do? If their only reason to exist is to replicate, but in doing so, the host dies?? Then what?? I understand nature wants to always be balanced. Is that what viruses are doing , balancing nature? Is it their job to kill the weak in a species? Is there a video I can watch to know a virus, molecularly. And how the heck do scientists know all you talk about? (Amazing) Did someone just presume these things? Totally tested but how? I digress, my most Curiosity is the virus video, if u know some. Thanks 🙏🏼 DrS💜 ur live show was infinity above my head, as are 99.9% of ur videos, but they r interesting. And I appreciate you sharing ur love & knowledge of science. Thank you 🙏🏼 Chris

  10. First get your virus make it a Sars /Mers flue base then take your CRSPR tool and modify the Immune part put it back together and give it to the government & then pick up your pay cheque you done your bit .
    The super immune will pass the immune tests and if they get re infected they still dont show any signs they are super spreaders now, its the gift that keeps on giving in a over populated world with to many people chasing to few resources ,then the flue season comes around and who will know the difference ?

  11. Prevention is better than treatment.Washing your hand, mouth, nose and face five times during the day, like Muslim ablution, protects against exposure to coronavirus infections because the virus is stuck in the air. With hot ginger syrup with lemon fruit and honey. The best protection for the Corona virus.

    If you take a teaspoon of natural ginger and lemon with boiling water. It will help you get the following benefits.

    1- Treatment of indigestion, breastfeeding and nausea …

    2- Lose excess weight …

    3- Improvement of immunity …

    4- Reduce stress and anxiety …

    5- Adjusting blood sugar levels …

    6- For healthy hair and skin …

    7- Pain and anti-inflammatory …

    8- For a healthy heart …

    9 – Antiviral inside the body.

  12. I was interested in viral gene tranfer from an evolutionary point of view.

    We have viral components in our DNA, and i was struck by the thought that its difficult for us to evolve on our own, as our multicellular nature means it doesn't matter if we lose some cells, but for a virus the same conditions could be life or death (avoiding for the moment whether a virus is "alive" as we know it).

    So virus would evolve much faster, albeit in a simple manner, and we were far more likely to evolve new traits by being infected with them, than by random mutation (which seems pretty unlikely if you look at the chances of a single mutation being passed by a single person).

  13. Sir plzz tell me …asa ho sakta h kya ki human being virus ko ek jgah se dosri jgah daal skte h…plzzzz reply bcz I hav an idea to protect us from coronavirus….plz reply

  14. I sit here and chuckle, as I received an "A' in my undergrad Cell Biology course, because I could memorize "information" and regurgitate it on examines. Problem was I had zero understanding at the beginning and end of the semester. These videos take me back to that class in the fall of 1973. Thanks for lifting the veil, now, as a retired dentist.

  15. That means inside the nucleus, is that area devoid of oxygen or of requisite oxygen atoms ? And this results in presence of deoxy as you said?

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