Vitamin D and COVID 19 | COVID Vitamin D Relationship | Does Vitamin D prevent Coronavirus Updated for 2024

Updated: April 24, 2024

Does Vitamin D protect against SARS CoV-2 – A detailed Analysis and what to do? This Topic and Video was inspired by my dear Elder Brother and Friend Dr …


18 Comments on “Vitamin D and COVID 19 | COVID Vitamin D Relationship | Does Vitamin D prevent Coronavirus Updated for 2024”

  1. I take 10000iu per day in winter, and sun exposure in summer, I work in UK Hospital as a radiographer and have never had a flu or cold whilst doing the supplements, keeps me safe.

  2. Hey Doc…My uncle had tuberculosis back in the 30's. They sent him to a sanatorium, in the mountains here in British Columbia. They used to get him to go out side when the sun was shining. He beat the disease…now why did they get him to go out?… ya think?

  3. Thank you for sharing. Yes, and it is important to have a strong immune system when considering taking a developed vaccine. My son and I are in an at risk group. We do supplement 600 IU daily and 1200 IU when we cannot get outside. We also eat foods that have vitamin D and use CBD and hemp based products.

  4. Can't see a Doctor to get a blood test at the moment (not that I even have a clue who my Doctor is) … great, people can't check, they can't get out to get the sun, pile on the sunscreen, etc. Well, definitely having a 2000 IU a day (a bit above the pointless recommended figure)

  5. I'm a biomedical researcher and a lot of research is coming out on the importance on Vitamin D on viruses (even COVID-19). I take 1000UI per day, and my levels are always around 80-100 nmol/L.

  6. Dr. Kahn, thank you as always.
    We must only conclude how sad it is that we must rely on google and individuals trying to provide good information that the governments should be providing long ago.
    Your conclusions are supported, Perhaps only questionable in those and that this is just one example of many deficiencies worsening the crisis.
    This is a five minute read with a five minute request at the end. I hope you will take time out to get your good opinions proactively to not just your followers but our leaders.

    Governments are public-service-message silent on personal immune-system protection (No PIP just PPE), but the Google jungle contains the following U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, NIH info… but why doesn’t its public communication arm,CDC, provide ANY immunity-building info in its long lists of guidelines?

    “… immune system needs multiple specific micronutrients, including vitamins A, D, C, E, B6, and B12, folate, zinc, iron, copper, and selenium, which play vital, often synergistic roles at every stage of the immune response.”

    ”Micronutrients and immune system“ lists the link, sometimes displayed below a pink background, warning:
    “COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation.
    -Get the latest PUBLIC HEALTH information from CDC: coronavirus dot gov.
    -Get the latest RESEARCH from NIH:
    nih dot gov / coronavirus.

    Critical NIH research is NOT being communicated to the public by CDC!.

    FACTS and reasonable conclusions from many studies, such as widespread D deficiencies and double-blind proof of improving health outcomes including 5 conditions that plague us most, and our 75% preventable disease profile were well-known before this summary of a review which was written, we should happily note, by employees of BAYER! on 01/16/20.


    Do we need our gods to save us now, or will the CDC create the battle plan for personal immunity protection, PIP in addition to PPE?

    Will they replace their only public treatment advice, (proven to do more harm than good…to use OTC fever reducers…fever long-known to be a key tool of the immune system) with a demographically-appropriate set of protocols which could contain a dozen immunity-building methods?

    Does any reader believe we need any more studies, trials, evidence or ever-elusive “proof”, to delay/fail preparing everyone, including healthcare professionals, with dynamic and doable, best-practices for immunity?

    NOT mentioned in the NIH-BAYER review of multitudinous immunity studies, are results of other NIH studies.
    For example, vitamin D deficiency in 42% of Americans grows to over 69% for people of color, and the elderly… despite 75% of people in the US claiming to take vitamins!

    Clearly attempting to eat right or use vitamins that succumb to the inadequate 1987 RDA by the FDA.
    (Another sub-optimally communicating agency…they warned against combining HCQ with Azithromycin now in 50 NIH-listed studies… but did not suggest substitution with Doxycycline to avoid heart risk.
    (AND make no mention of zinc, shown to do the viral interference work when facilitated by HCQ.
    These double-flawed studies continue.).

    With this pandemic impacting every person, infected or not, is it believable that CDC is purposely withholding proven and important keys to optimizing immunity for the battle within?

    Is it conceivable, even in a conspiracy/money/power/politics hypothesis, that while CDC provides valiant, but by definition, hit or miss ways to battle the virus in the outside world, it could assume each of us know what we need to know to fight the battle inside, or will find out in time?



    All the conventional explanations, lack of studies, “proof”, pharma influence, controlled media, government fears of embarrassment or shortages, supply of vitamins, “there’s no money in vitamins!?”…excuses and complacency that run the gamut, past, present, (and future if we do not stop it…If not now when?), goes on and on, with huge physical, emotional, and financial suffering, globally, and unknown in 100 years.

    Here is what the NIH in its dense library among 100’s of other favorable publications on immunity-building had to say:

    “Adequate amounts are essential to ensure the proper function of physical barriers and immune cells;
    however, daily micronutrient intakes necessary to support immune function may be higher than current recommended dietary allowances. Certain populations have inadequate dietary micronutrient intakes… even marginal deficiency may impair immunity.
    …evidence indicates that supplementation with multiple micronutrients with immune-supporting roles may modulate immune function and reduce the risk of infection.”

    The disconnect is obvious between NIH disjointed and questionably decipherable medical findings, and communicating them to CDC, and having CDC communicate to the public.

    The Internet description of the relationship between the NIH and CDC below does not mention the liaison between the two agencies…
    Clearly a key missing-link to effective use of taxpayer dollars, unnecessary suffering, and bankruptcy of our healthcare system for our children.

    How clearly tragic, so many years of devoted scientists and medical professionals, heart & soul work, is not being communicated effectively.

    “While NIH conducts and funds basic and applied biomedical and behavioral research,
    CDC engages in health promotion, prevention of disease, injury and disability, and preparedness for new health threats…”


    What are each of us going to do to bridge the gap between NIH, CDC, healthcare professionals, and the public?

    It is beyond time todemand our right-to-know and that CDC and other government agencies do what is right!

    Our Congresspeople, CDC, and our doctors offices do answer the phone and pass messages.

    PLEASE, take 5 minutes to send your message.

  7. Hello sir
    I am a IMG from Kyrgyzstan studying 2nd year of 5 year course of medicine UG , as there is no usmle preparation in our university so I am just reading our general books and revising First Aid book and Kaplan notes . I wanted to take my step 1 in my 3rd year of medical school . But I started preparing for USMLE in this year that is in my 2nd year . So what is the best thing to do and is it easy to crack and can you suggest me some tips please sir .

  8. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    Ask your doctor if Omega threes are right for you. 

    BREAKING! COVID-19 Supplements: US Study Finds That Resolvins From Omega-3 Fatty Acids Could Prevent COVID-19 Cytokine Storms

    Source: COVID-19 Supplements  May 13, 2020  16 hours ago

    COVID-19 Supplements:  Medical researchers from the Harvard Medical School, University of California-Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University and Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle have discovered that chemical molecules called resolvins which are a type of novel endogenous specialized pro-resolving lipid autacoid mediators (SPMs) could help prevent the cytokine storms caused by the COVID-19 disease.

    Resolvins are specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) derived from omega-3 fatty acids, primarily eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), as well as docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) and clupanodonic acid.


    The research was published in the journal journal Cancer & Metastasis Reviews and the study was led by Assistant Professor Dr Dipak Panigrahy and Dr Molly Gilligan, both from Harvard Medical School.


    The researchers studied the human body's robust inflammatory response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is now recognized as a hallmark symptom and observed that severe COVID-19 illness can result in excessive inflammation throughout the body, including the lungs, heart and brain.


    Rather than blocking cytokines, medical staff could turn off virus-induced inflammation by broadly activating the body's natural inflammation-clearing activities.


    Resolvins and other SPMs stimulate macrophage-mediated clearance of debris and counter pro-inflammatory cytokine production, a process called inflammation resolution. SPMs and their lipid precursors exhibit anti-viral activity at nanogram doses in the setting of influenza without being immunosuppressive. SPMs also promote anti-viral B cell antibodies and lymphocyte activity, highlighting their potential use in the treatment of COVID-19.

  9. Good summary. Here in the UK around 2/3 of over 200 health workers who have died of covid-19 are from BAME communities.
    50mcg = 2000IU is widely recommended for adults.

  10. So vitamin D helps, but you can get vitamin D by sun rays right? So why am I sitting in my room windows blinded door closed when I could be sitting outsi- oh wait quarantine.

  11. Salaam…Corona virus is a hoax created by WHO and CHINA including lot of pharma co.. you please Boost your Imaan.. stay clean and boost your immune system by eating fruits and veggies.. next time make a 2 mns video with some sensible imp info.. Free Advice for you Doctor Khan.. I Unsubscribed you already.. thanks for wasting my time.. Allah Hafiz..

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