CDC updates website on COVID-19 and surfaces Updated for 2024

Updated: April 23, 2024

The agency reminded people that the virus does not spread as easily on surfaces as initially thought. BREAKING NEWS UPDATES: …


42 Comments on “CDC updates website on COVID-19 and surfaces Updated for 2024”

  1. It's funny that they are show who infected maybe even sick but no mention of deaths. You guys will eat it up and believe anything lol

  2. Oh give it up!!! The only reason there is fear on covid is because it's in the media….if they were talking about the flu, there would be a shortage on over the counter flu medications and people freaking out…..anything the media politicises people follow like sheep. Let's look at more important issues going on people….we're all over the covid crap!

  3. It's a fake demon crap ops American Democrat lies again God dose not like people that lie fake news how much money did China pay Demon crap ops Democrats to keep lying to us American people

  4. Stop pissing on yourselves and use ultrasound to get rid of the Covid-19 virus instantly. It takes only a few seconds of ultrasound to dissolve it. What a bunch of useless motherfucking bitches. I have to nuke these bitches multiple times per day just to give them a fucking clue.

  5. It "could" have prevented deaths as well as it "could" have increased suicides, property crimes, depression and psychological problems had they implemented it earlier as well.

  6. Why there's a histogram of race&age for covid-deaths on the CDC website? What's the purpose of keeping record of races/difference? Why???🙄🥴🤨😒

  7. Im not really sure on this but i think the way this virus is mutating our. Bodys to fight the common flu not the 19 what our bodys will do now is be stronger to fight off the common flu this could help to cut down the common cold and flu season. The human emun system knos how to fight this virus and kick ass on the common viruses. Give me your thoughts on this. I love to think on biolodgy and how viruses work stay safe out their we have a ways to go yet but its getting.beat

  8. Trump saying he will not allow the country to close again because Trump wants money for his corporate friends. He doesn't care about anyone except himself and his money allies.

  9. Obey.
    Do as told.
    Hush, the Teleprompter gods are speaking.
    Ignore decades of CDC statistics.
    Worship your covid stricken celebrities.
    Worry not of the insanely large number of cancer cases nor the same large number of nuke test that will leave fallout for ages.
    Pay your income tax, state tax, sales tax, gas tax, property tax, hoa fees, car registration, parking fines.
    Look into the flashy light thing now.

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