The Benefits of Echinacea Updated for 2024

Updated: May 12, 2024

NOTE: This information is meant for educational purposes only .I am NOT a doctor nor pretend to be one. Nothing I say should be used to replace professional …


28 Comments on “The Benefits of Echinacea Updated for 2024”

  1. For those who don't know this is being researched as an anti-aging, longevity herb and its anti cancer properties.

  2. Have you by chance tried getting seed from yours? If so was you successive on getting them to germinate? When we moved I saved a head for reseeding, haven't tried planting them yet. Wondered how it went

  3. I have been growing this plant in my backyard for years…I started with just two transplants I got from a friend and those two little starts have taken over a whole corner of my back yard and they flourish more each year. I had NO IDEA that they where more than just a pretty flower….I just love your channel and I am very excited for next season… I can enjoy looking at their beauty still but now I can reap benefits from them also.

  4. Thanks so much for this informative video! I was watching another video and it said you have to wait to years before you can harvest from the plant. Are you familiar?

  5. I know that for legal reasons you have to say that you're not a doctor and such, but honestly the information you put out here is better than the pharmaceuticals proscribed by our health care specialists, of modern "medicines". I believe your out look creates a reasonable treatment, or even cure, instead of a band-aid that will only cause more issues in the future.

  6. Thanks for sharing this video! This is great to find this online! I just planted Echinacea this year. I am just staring my channel and happened to find this one! So glad I did. Keep up the great work.

  7. Love your videos, just saw your daddy Blake video on small area gardens, where do you start, I'm here in Arizona. My plants burn up its so hot!
    Again love your videos 💛

  8. Hi Heidi
    I am an apartment homesteader, sort of. I have just started. I have basil growing in my apartment with a grow light and I was wondering what other herbs you would recommend? I can fit about 8 herbs altogether. They will be on metal shelves under the light so there is only about 16 inches between shelves. I'm very excited about becoming as self sufficient as I can in my apartment.

  9. Heidi I was noticing I had not seen any of your videos coming up so I came over and I was no longer subscribed! I did not un subscribe your channel so I have re subscribed. I do not know what happened! 🙂 Oh! Echinacea is one of my favorites!

  10. As I'm learning more and more about herbs while you were going through your list I picked up another herb book called God's Healing Leaves by Robert McClintock. He says that tinctures of Echinacea are not recommended because they destroy the polysaccharides that stimulates the immune system and to rather use a decoction or infusion.

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